商品编号: |
DVD10684 |
商品名稱: |
Mentor Graphics PADS Standard Plus VX.2.4 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
10055 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
Mentor Graphics PADS Standard Plus VX.2.4 |
面向獨立工程師,以 PCB 為中心的業界領先的高生產率設計解決方案
獲得量身定製的高性能 PCB 設計,滿足您的各種特定需求和預算要求.
PADS Standard Plus
如果您需要仿真和分析以及先進的 Layout 實現快速創建高質量 PCB,PADS Standard Plus 將是您的上乘之選。
具備 PADS Standard 的所有功能,以及:
使用 HyperLynx® 處理帶串擾的信號完整性問題
直觀的項目和設計導航、完整的層次化設計支持,以及先進的規則和屬性管理工具,均可幫助您實現 PCB 設計目標。
利用 PADS 強大的 3D Layout 功能,可以輕鬆地設計各種從簡單到複雜的印刷電路板,類型涵蓋高速、高密度、模擬和/或數字,以及射頻電路。PADS 提供了幫助您輕鬆、高效地完成佈局和布線工作所需的全部要素,同時還能確保 PCB 符合您的設計目標。
如果在您所設計的電路板上,高速信號所佔比例較高,那麼您應該很清楚採用約束驅動型設計的重要性。PADS 擁有功能強大且簡單易用的約束管理系統,適用於創建、評審和驗證 PCB 設計約束。
PADS PCB 設計分析和驗證採用的是 HyperLynx® 技術,該技術以其高精度和簡單易用的特點享譽全球。從設計到製造,PADS 內置的分析工具均可幫助您實現最佳的效率。
通過單個電子表格來訪問所有元器件信息,而無需擔心數據冗餘、多個庫或耗時費力的工具開銷。PADS 還附帶經過驗證的啟動庫、免費的庫轉換器,以及用於生成符合 IPC 標準的封裝的嚮導。
在整個設計流程中使用 PADS 歸檔管理可節省時間,提高設計質量以及存儲信息。生成用於設計評審的報告,並對歸檔進行比較,以確定設計差別。
Standard Plus 模塊
還可以在 PADS Standard Plus 中增加高速布線、DFT、MCAD 協同設計以及更多的模塊。
PADS 解決方案可為每一位 PCB 設計人員和工程師提供支持。創建滿足您的設計需要的工具集。立即聯繫我們,瞭解更多信息。
新增高級 PCB Layout:我們最受歡迎的捆綁軟件!!
如果您的任務是 PCB Layout,那麼“高級 PCB 模塊”絕對值得您考慮。此捆綁軟件僅在 PADS Standard Plus 中可用,其中增加了一流的高速自動布線功能、可節省大量時間的 DFT 審核功能,以及用於裸片元器件設計的高級封裝工具套件;所有功能的價格絕對低至出乎您的意想。
提高製造良率:100 項常用的製造和裝配分析
確保您的設計已準備好交付製造。此模塊包含了超過 100 項最常用的製造和裝配分析,因而可以輕鬆地找到導致生產延遲的問題,例如阻焊細絲、意外覆銅、測試點間距不當等。
減少樣機數量:適用於 MCAD 協作的便利工具
PADS MCAD Collaborator 模塊僅可在 PADS Standard Plus 中使用,而使用這一模塊可在電氣和機械 CAD 系統之間溝通設計意圖。您和機械工程師均可在各自熟悉的系統內工作,從而實現方便有效的協作。
Mentor Graphics PADS Standard Plus VX.2.4 |
Mentor Graphics announced the new release Mentor Graphics PADS VX.2.4. This release introduces the new PADS Pro DS Suite, with the addition of pre-layout SI analysis and AMS to both DS Suites, and core improvements to all products.
New in PADS VX.2.4:
PADS Standard and Standard Plus:
- PADS DS Suite: Pre-layout SI analysis and AMS now included!
- Copper Pour/Split Planes in PADS Router
- Constraint Manager Templates
- 3D improvements
. Import STEP model for board outline
. Mating command enhancements
. Slotted hole support
- Eagle Layout translator
- New Part Editor
- Central Library Migrator
. Support of Hetero 4 devices
About Mentor Graphics PADS Standard Plus. PADS Standard Plus is an easy-to-use, complete desktop design flow for PCB hardware engineers and layout designers requiring higher productivity.
PADS Personal Automated Design Solutions provide an easy-to-use environment that helps solve the PCB design challenges you meet every day. Using PADS, you will get your job done faster and better, while saving costs. Targeted toward the independent engineer who requires a more complete design flow that includes advanced toolsets, PADS Standard Plus is equipped with enhanced layout and integrated analysis and verification, supplying all you need to produce quality PCBs, fast.
Easy-to-use schematic and layout translators help import libraries and designs from your current toolset, whether it’s Allegro , Altium Designer, CADSTAR, OrCAD, P-CAD, or Protel.
PADS includes broad capabilities for system design capture and definition. Intuitive project and design navigation, complete hierarchical support, a starter library, and advanced design attribute and design rules management make it easy to capture and define your schematic. Achieve efficiency and productivity with full forward and backward annotation to layout and routing and a direct link to signal integrity analysis.
PADS central database includes all design rules and constraints with online DRC. The multi-level hierarchy guides you through the process of capturing rules in an easy-to-view spreadsheet user interface, automatically updating the layout as you go. Default, class, net, group, pin pair, layer, conditional, and component rules are included. High-speed rules include differential pairs, matched lengths, maximum and minimum length, and support of DDR topology (virtual pins and associated nets).
About Mentor Graphics. Mentor Graphics is a technology leader in electronic design automation (EDA), providing software and hardware design solutions that enable companies to develop better electronic products faster and more cost-effectively. The company offers innovative products and solutions that help engineers overcome the design challenges they face in the increasingly complex worlds of board and chip design. Mentor Graphics has the broadest industry portfolio of best-in-class products and is the only EDA company with an embedded software solution.
Product: Mentor Graphics PADS
Version: Standard Plus VX.2.4
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page : http://www.pads.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer / Server 2008 R2, Server 2012 & 2012 R2