商品编号: |
DVDXX15579 |
商品名稱: |
FTI Forming Suite 2019.1.0 在鈑金沖壓件分析和成本優化方面領先的軟件 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
14878 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
FTI Forming Suite 2019.1.0 在鈑金沖壓件分析和成本優化方面領先的軟件 |
對汽車零部件企業,在鈑金沖壓件分析和成本優化方面有一套世界領先的軟件解決方案——來自加拿大的FTI(Forming Technologies Intanc),世界領先的沖壓成形性分析和成本計算軟件。
成立於1989年的加拿大成形技術公司(FTI®)是世界領先的鈑金軟件解決方案的供應商,FTI 所開發的Forming Suite軟件主要應用於鈑金設計、可行性分析和鈑金零部件成本計算。FTI軟件每年都在不斷的進行更新,目前FTI6.0版在原來軟件的基礎上增加了新的功能,如級進模排樣等。在過去的18年裡,FTI為汽車、航空航天、電子及器械等工業領域的OEM廠商和供應商提供了創新的解決方案, 大大縮短了開發時間和節省了材料成本。
除了優秀的產品,FTI還提供了國際一流的沖壓成形、模具設計和銲接培訓教程,經其培訓的認證工程師超過12000名。FTI 通過全球代理網絡提供銷售和技術服務。
FTI 的主要產品 Forming Suite 是一個多功能的產品,可以方便配置滿足不同客戶的使用需求,包括鈑料設計、成形仿真、板材排樣、材料成本估算以及成本優化。FTI 將其 FASTBLANK、FASTFORM、FASTFORM Advanced、BLANKNEST、COSTOPTIMIZER、COSTOPTIMIZER Advanced 等產品均內嵌到CATIA 中。
FTI Forming Suite 2019.1.0 (Build 24201.3) |
Forming Technologies (FTI) announced the worldwide release of the FormingSuite 2019 Feature Pack 1. Designed for sheet metal cost estimators, design engineers, tooling designers, and advanced planning engineers in the automotive, aerospace, consumer product and electronics industries, this feature pack introduces numerous enhancements that ensure the best quality results and performance for all users.
FTI FormingSuite 2019 Feature Pack 1 Release Notes - Date: 02 July 2019
Overall changes to the software’s workbenches and processes allow for Material Utilization (MUL) and Design for Manufacturability (DFM) concepts to fully be realized. These concepts help customers reduce material waste through virtual tryouts replacing test stampings and addressing formability issues that could threaten the integrity of a part long before the part makes it to the shop floor. New blanking processes in the software allow parts to be nested and created faster, and with much less waste than before, by considering multiple factors in the stamping process. Changes to pilot holes and addendum features integrate real world solutions into the digital process, allowing for increased accuracy, and robust parts and operations.
With this latest release, FormingSuite’s ProcessPlanner module continues to add support for the most specialized processes in sheet metal forming. The Line Die Plan workbench now allows users to detail the process for blanking in multiple operations (for both inline and offline blanking). This new capability improves the visual description of the blanking process as well as the die load, die cost, die size and die weight calculations. New options for the calculation of cam costs increase flexibility and provide more precise estimates for custom and standard cams for progressive dies and line dies. Rounding out the changes to this workbench, a new display option in the ProgDie Process summary display shows the die size along with the process layout.
The COSTOPTIMIZER module now boasts substantial improvements in nesting solver speed as well as two new display options to show carrier condition and the 3D part along with the layout. Cost Optimization of nesting layouts now allows users to choose if the part is cropped while maintaining the addendum offset, or if the addendum is cut without affecting the part. This change gives users the tools needed to effectively evaluate material cost savings opportunities on parts formed with addendum. Extending upon FormingSuite’s unique capabilities for introducing and evaluating web and carrier geometry, the pilot hole tool now provides the option of adding material around pilot holes as is common in real world strip designs. This allows engineers to ensure the integrity of their strip layouts in the software and on the shop floor.
Finally, significant updates have been made to trimming in FastIncremental. Automatic mesh refinement during trimming ensures that results of trim operations are precise. Automatic trimming now provides quicker solutions and more accurate results.
FTI Forming Suite 2019.1.0 (Build 24201.3)
Product: FTI FormingSuite
Version: 2019.1.0 Build 24201.3
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.forming.com
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *