商品编号: |
DVDXX15718 |
商品名稱: |
Elcomsoft Cloud eXplorer Forensic 2.12 Build 32011 可以輕鬆下載和收集您的信息 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
15813 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
Elcomsoft Cloud eXplorer Forensic 2.12 Build 32011 可以輕鬆下載和收集您的信息 |
Elcomsoft Cloud eXplorer(ECX)破解版使用可以輕鬆下載和收集您的信息。訪問您的Google照片帳戶中的搜索和瀏覽歷史記錄,查看聯繫人,Google Keep記事,環聊消息和圖片。使用ECX,您還可以下載存儲在Google雲端硬盤中的文件。其中包括上傳到Google雲端硬盤的文件,與您的PC同步的文件,已刪除的文件以及其他用戶與您共享的文件。Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer被數字取證專家用於加速調查。該工具提供全面的下載,查看和分析相關信息,在調查用戶的在線活動時非常寶貴。集成的查看器以人類可讀的形式顯示下載的數據,便於分析用戶的通信圈,搜索和瀏覽活動。查看器包括即時過濾和快速搜索功能。查找某個聯繫人,消息或網站身份驗證憑據很簡單:您只需在搜索框中鍵入要查找的單詞部分即可。Google從註冊客戶那裡收集大量信息。聯繫人和環聊消息,Google Keep筆記,帶點擊數據的搜索記錄,同步的Google Chrome數據(包括密碼和表單),書籤,頁面轉換和瀏覽歷史記錄,位置歷史記錄,日曆和圖片只是提及的幾項數據。 Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer從分散在整個Google帳戶中的眾多可用來源中提取信息,自動解析數據並以人類可讀的形式顯示信息。不同類型的數據分散在不同的Google服務器周圍,並以不同的格式存儲。Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer不僅可以下載比Google自身提供的更多數據,還可以在不離開工具的情況下查看和分析信息。要從Google帳戶訪問數據,您可以輸入正確的Google ID和密碼,也可以使用令牌。支持使用雙因素身份驗證保護的帳戶;如果啟用了兩步驗證,則需要訪問輔助驗證因子。
Extract everything from your Google Account. Download users’ location history, files and documents,, Contacts, Hangouts Messages, Google Keep, Chrome browsing history, search history and page transitions, Calendars, images, and a lot more.
New features:
Passwordless Authentication
Several years back, we developed a workaround, allowing experts to use binary authentication token to access Apple iCloud backups and synced data without the password. Today, we are introducing the same thing for Google accounts.
Google Drive Support
Elcomsoft Cloud eXplorer introduces support for Google Drive, offering a truly integrated, forensically sound solution to extract the most data from Google accounts.
Forensic Acquisition of Google Accounts
Acquire information from users’ Google Account with a simple all-in-one tool! Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer makes it easier to download, view and analyze information collected by the search giant, providing convenient access to users’ search and browsing history, page transitions, contacts, Google Keep notes, Hangouts messages, as well as images stored in the user’s Google Photos account.
Google collects massive amounts of information from registered customers. Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer extracts information from the many available sources, parses and assembles the data, presenting information in human-readable form.
Google Data in Digital Forensics
Cloud forensics is an emerging area to forensic experts and IT security officers. The amount of data generated by consumers using the many online services is hard to underestimate. This data can become extremely valuable for an investigation of criminal cases and security breaches of IT infrastructure.
Online services are increasingly used by consumers, including those of a criminal kind. Cloud service providers such as Google retain astonishing amounts of data that literally follow their users’ every step. Acquiring this evidence from cloud storage services can be a challenge. Viewing, discovering and analyzing the data may present yet another challenge if the investigator lacks tools and knowledge.
Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer was designed specifically to address those limitations. Requiring no special expertise and no prior training, Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer falls into the category of all-in-one tools offering one-click downloading and easy viewing of information. The tool comes with everything you need to investigate information that Google has about a suspect.
What Is Extracted
Elcomsoft Cloud Explorer offers over-the-air acquisition for a wide range of Google services including all of the following:
User Profile and other info
Messages (Google Hangouts)
Text messages (SMS) (Android 8.0 Oreo and newer for all smartphones; Android 7 or newer for Google Pixel and Pixel XL)
Call logs
Saved Wi-Fi credentials (SSID and passwords)
Email messages (Gmail) via Gmail API
Contacts (including synced contacts from mobile devices)
Notes (Google Keep)
Search History (including Web sites visited after firing up the search)
Google Chrome data[1] (synced bookmarks, Web forms, logins and passwords, page transitions)
Media (images and videos from Google Photos including EXIF data)
Location history including enhanced mapping data (Routes and Places)
Files and documents from Google Account
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