Codelobster IDE是一款非常不錯的代碼編輯器,Codelobster IDE允許您編輯PHP,HTML,CSS和JavaScript文件,它強調了語法並給出了標籤,函數及其參數的提示。該編輯器可以輕鬆處理那些包含混合內容的文件,它包含所有用於操作代碼的標準功能以及用於PHP開發的許多附加功能。這個免費代碼編輯工具的目標是簡化和加快在PHP上開發功能齊全的網站的過程,歡迎有需要此款工具的朋友們前來下載使用。
Codelobster IDE為所有支持的編程語言提供上下文幫助,它使用當前最新的文檔,從官方站點下載。因此,我們可以通過按F1鍵快速獲取任何HTML標籤,CSS屬性,PHP或JavaScript函數的描述。
您可以直接在編輯器中查看HTML模板,突出顯示頁面上有趣的元素並瀏覽關聯的CSS樣式。 HTML和CSS檢查器的工作原理是所有已知的FireBug。
CodeLobster IDE的特點和功能
CodeLobster IDE有幾個特性和功能,一套完整的基本功能以及其他一些對程序員有用的高級元素:
語法高亮顯示 - 根據術語類別顯示不同顏色和字體的文本,特別是源代碼。
代碼完成 - 顯示一個“提示”窗口,列出可以選擇添加到代碼中的有效元素。
一對突出顯示圓括號和標記的對 - 您將永遠不必計數括號或引號,編輯會照顧它。
突出顯示塊,選擇和摺疊代碼片段,便於導航編輯文件的書籤,識別和構建PHP項目的完整結構 - 這些功能可確保輕鬆處理任何規模的項目。
該程序適用於以下操作系統:Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Mac OS,Linux,Ubuntu,Fedora,Debian。
Codelobster IDE的專業版為程序員提供了更多功能。
一大組擴展有助於使用PHP框架 - CakePHP,CodeIgniter,Laravel,Phalcon,Smarty,Symfony,Twig和Yii插件。
插件可用於最流行的CMS - Drupal,Joomla,Magento和WordPress。
總的來說,在一年的工作中,我們的團隊沒有對編輯提出投訴。 Codelobster IDE運行速度快,不會掛起,甚至可以在大型PHP項目中工作。
支持的操作系統:Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Mac OS,Linux,Ubuntu,Fedora,Debian
CodeLobster IDE 1.2.1 Multilingual |
Designed as a cross-platform source code editor and compiler, CodeLobster IDE supports multiple frameworks for helping programmers work on code in a user-friendly interface. Its functionality can be enhanced with plugins, such as AngularJS, Symfony, Joomla or Drupal.
Easy-to-use source code editor and compiler
During the setup operation, you can make file associations and pick the preferred color scheme, interface language, and extra components (plugins). In addition to the previously mentioned tools, you can extend support for CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Backbone, Ember JS, JQuery, Laravel, Magento, Meteor JS, Perl, Phalcon, Python, Ruby, Twig, WordPress, and Yii. Of course, all these settings can be later changed to your liking.
The default theme adopted by CodeLobster IDE has a dark theme and can be swapped for light mode. It has a file explorer, map and dynamic helper, along with panes for search results, call stacks, locals, bookmarks, or errors.
FTP/SFTP support, templates, autocomplete, and more
You can establish connections to FTP/SFTP servers, keep multiple tabs opened at once, change the encoding mode, and edit templates for CSS, HTML, JS, LESS, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, SCSS, Twig, Volt, text, XML, XSL and YAML. The language is autodetected by the application to activate syntax highlights.
Thanks to Intellisense, the IDE makes code suggestions based on the selected language, offering to automatically complete it. You can manage the lines of code like moving the cursor, changing the case or duplicating lines, find and replace text across multiple files at the same time, or switch to fullscreen mode to eliminate distractions and focus on work.
Bonus tools to help code faster
As far as extra tools are concerned, it's possible to use a code validator for inspecting any errors, edit code snippets and change the code format, sort text by various criteria, make code conversions (e.g. HTML to PHP, 7-bit encoding to chars), and synchronize scrolls between two side-by-side panes.
These are just part of the features provided by CodeLobster IDE. It worked smoothly on Windows 10 in our tests, having minimal impact on system resources consumption. Thanks to its intuitive interface and plethora of features, the IDE should meet the requirements of many programmers.
Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10
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