商品编号: |
DVDXX17531 |
商品名稱: |
Articulate Storyline 3.8.20838.0 Multilingual 業界最受歡迎的創建互動課程的軟件 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
15608 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
Articulate Storyline 3.8.20838.0 Multilingual 業界最受歡迎的創建互動課程的軟件 |
業界最受歡迎的創建互動課程的軟件。 對於初學者來說這很簡單,但對於專家來說卻足夠強大。 它可以讓您在幾分鐘內創建幾乎任何您能想像到的互動。 借助全新的Storyline版本,您將能夠更快地提供具有增強交互性的移動和可訪問課程。
提供響應式多設備體驗——只需在Storyline 3中創建您的課程,然後單擊發佈。新的響應式播放器可動態適應平板電腦和智能手機屏幕,在每台設備上提供最佳的課程視圖 – 無需調整任何東西。它支持觸摸屏手勢,隱藏側邊欄菜單,消除瀏覽器鑲邊,並提供適合移動設備的播放控件。
發佈高性能HTML5課程——HTML5輸出看起來更好,運行速度更快,並支持比以往更多的功能。 HTML5輸出支持所有輔助功能,包括隱藏式字幕和自定義標籤順序。您可以選擇發佈僅HTML5或HTML5優先課程。
更有效地工作——讓Storyline為您完成更多工作。通過提高生產力,Storyline 3可在幾秒鐘內查找並替換字體,自動縮放和裁剪圖像以適合任何佔位符形狀,並在換出佔位符圖像時維護觸發器。您現在還可以一次命名運動路徑,複製和設置多個幻燈片圖層的屬性,並發布單個幻燈片或場景。
Articulate Storyline 3.xx |
Articulate Storyline It’s all you need to create interactive e-learning. Build highly interactive online and mobile courses with Articulate Storyline, the only e-learning authoring software that grows with you. It’s simple enough for beginners, powerful enough for experts.
Intuitive User Interface
What learning curve? We’ve designed Storyline from the ground up to simplify your life. It’s so intuitive and easy to use that you can get started right away—there’s no training required. If you’ve used PowerPoint, you’ll feel right at home.
Slide Templates
Build your slides from scratch or start from a template. You can even use templates with interactivity common to e-learning courses already built in. Easily customize a template to make it completely yours. Don't see what you want? No problem. Free slide interactions and course templates are posted to E-Learning Heroes all the time. Simply download and then access your new templates from within Storyline.
Connect more fully with learners by using characters in your course. It’s easy to add up to 47,500 combinations of illustrated and photographic characters, expressions, and poses—there’s no need to hunt for art online. With just a few clicks, you can insert characters, then change their poses and expressions. Extend your character library with additional Articulate character packs.
Revolutionary interactivity
You’ve never experienced anything like Storyline. We’ve made building interactivity so easy, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
Slide Layers
Drastically simplify how you create interactivity with slide layers, the innovative new way of building multiple interactions on a single slide. Slide layers let you quickly and easily overlay objects, and trigger layers to appear when learners take certain actions. No more duplicating and managing multiple slides. With slide layers, you create, edit, and manage multiple interactions on one slide—so you can author courses faster than ever.
Build interactivity by choosing from a menu of easy-to-understand actions, such as “jump to slide” or “show a layer.” Then, designate when you want the action to occur, such as when a user clicks on a certain object. Combine triggers to create increasingly complex interactions.
and much more ...
Articulate Storyline 2.0.1411.2100
Home Page - http://www.articulate.com/products/storyline-overview.php