BETA CAE Systems S.A公司總部位地希臘的賽薩羅尼奇市(Thessaloniki),是世界領先的軟件工程公司之一,一直以來,致力於開發高性能的有限元分析前處理和後處理應用軟件,在有限元前後處理軟件的研究開發方面具有豐富的經驗,其軟件產品和技術服務始終站在世界最前沿,公司始終以為客戶開發高效、實用的工程解決方案為己任,在工程技術創新方面不斷獲得客戶的讚譽。BETA公司的主打產品ANSA的銷售和技術服務遍及歐洲、美洲、大洋洲和亞洲。多年來,他們在CAE前後處理方面樹立了一面旗幟,其軟件產品已經被廣泛應用於幾乎所有的工業科技術領域。BETA公司分佈在全球的專家精誠合作,利用獨一無二的經驗交流機製為客戶創造解決方案,從而為客戶極大地改進工程產品的設計水平和質量、節約了成本。ANSA產品集成了多年來公司專家解決工程實際問題中積累的經驗,是高效實用的工程設計工具,它可以為客戶提供更加精確和成熟的解決方案,可以完全滿足客戶獨特的需要。ANSA在汽車、鐵路、航空、國防工業、賽車、化學工業以及高等院校方面的應用更是居世界領先地位。在大量的獨立公正的第三方標準測試中,ANSA被公認為是目前最快捷的有限元前處理軟件,同時也是真正能處理複雜建模任務的工具。由於BETA CAE公司不斷的概念創新與發展完善,使得ANSA具有方便快捷的速度、無以倫比的性能。通過不斷的技術革新,ANSA已經在有限元前處理領域處於領導地位達數十年之久。
BETA CAE Systems S.A 公司將繼續保持技術領先和用戶需求導向的指導方針,不斷發展和完善ANSA在有限元前處理技術方面的技術領先優勢,為客戶帶來更大的價值匯報
網格與幾何相關聯 也就是說對CAD模型所做的修改將會反映到網格模型上, 反之亦然,這樣可以大大提高網格模型創建速度,節省時間。
快速、自動的、高質量的裝配體 網格劃分通過CAD數據文件自動識別焊點,也可在ANSA中快速建立焊點,並對焊點處網格進行自動處理。
一級菜單系統 通過一到兩次點擊就能完成大部分目標操作,提高建模效率。
強大的汽車行業專用功能 假人佈置,螺栓連接,油箱分析,BIW路徑分析……
BETA-CAE Systems 19.x |
BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the new ANSA/EPILYSIS/META suite 18.9.0. The new release goes long beyond customers’ demands, by implementing a plethora of new tools and features, while continuously augmenting software quality and performance.
Virtual Reality, already introduced in prior versions, is proven to be the absolute boost to the intercontinental co-operation in the CAE community. Today, META 19.0.0 comes up with new features in this field, such as the audio support, expanding, in this way, web collaboration capabilities towards a more progressive level.
Definitely, modularization in product development is an approach that brought significant benefits in all stages, from design to production, and even further to maintenance. ANSA 19.0.0 augments Modular Assembly potential, introducing the notion of the Connecting Subsystems, facilitating assembling strategies even more.
Besides, addressing the need of an efficient model management in NVH analysis, coupled with the reduced representation concept, definitely a prerequisite in this field, the new functionality of modular model build based on reduced representations is introduced for the creation and management of reduced representations of subsystems, directly through Model Browser. In this way, bottlenecks, such as the modal model components handling, and constraints, such as the interaction with full FE components, are successfully addressed.
From concept design to final testing, model optimization has been a necessity that undergoes any typical CAE workflow process. The set-up, run and inspection of DOE real-time results has never been more effortless with the brand new Optimization tool, automating tasks, significantly accelerating the simulation process and minimizing cost and time to market.
Closing, apart from the outstanding performance enhancements in EPILYSIS and RETOMO, these two software products have stimulated their supported capabilities and features, impressively accelerating the solution build-up workflow. SOL200 Multidisciplinary Optimization, SOL110 Modal Complex Eigenvalue Analysis, as well as Superelement Analysis are some of the implementations that stand out in EPILYSIS, whereas the introduction of Manual Editing tools in RETOMO undoubtedly elevates the whole process, since the Automatic Segmentation result can be manually edited, incrementing in this way accuracy and upgrading the final result.
Product: BETA CAE Systems
Version: 19.x
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer