Hetman Internet Spy將幫助您恢復瀏覽記錄並分析用戶的在線活動。如果您清理了瀏覽歷史記錄,刪除了操作系統用戶或卸載了瀏覽器及其所有文件,這並不重要 - 該實用程序將恢復任何可能丟失的數據。 Hetman Internet Spy將分析您的硬盤並查找當前或曾用於此計算機上的所有瀏覽器。它不僅可以幫助您恢復瀏覽歷史記錄,而且還可以恢復用戶輸入的所有密碼,保存的任何書籤,地址,電話號碼以及各種其他重要信息。但是,該程序不僅意味著恢復丟失的瀏覽器文件。它還提供了一個方便而強大的工具來分析用戶的在線活動。 Hetman Internet Spy會在特定時間顯示用戶所做的事情:訪問過哪些網站,花了多少時間,搜索了哪些內容,搜索了哪些內容,翻譯了哪些語言,收到了哪些電子郵件等等。只需點擊一下鼠標,就可以查看某個網頁的訪問頻率,重定向到的網址,第一次訪問該網頁的時間,以及用戶返回的時間......社交媒體分析將提供任何信息您可能會對以下內容感興趣:訪問過網頁的用戶和組的名稱,所有訪問某個帳戶的日期以及大量其他信息。即使在用戶嘗試清除或使用隱身模式後,強大的分析算法也會查找並顯示瀏覽記錄。許多方便的過濾器和排序方法將幫助您快速方便地訪問您感興趣的任何信息。
This program analyzes the contents of both existing and deleted browser system files and collects detailed information on a user’s online activity. The utility allows you to analyze browsing history, social media messages, search history, emails, videos watched on YouTube, etc.
The user-friendly interface is good not only for parents who would like to monitor their children’s online activity, but also for detectives working on digital evidence. The application will give you certain information even if the browsing history was deleted, the data was removed, or the disk was formatted.
Ways you can use it
If you’ve decided to clear your search history, browsing history, or the history of any other past online activities, you shouldn’t assume it will be gone forever. Browsing history can be read easily, and even restored, if necessary.
Show a list of opened web pages
The application collects the history of opened URLs and displays the opening date, total number of visits, and the time spent viewing a certain webpage. For convenient analysis, all websites are broken into categories, and you can filter or sort them by any category.
Analyzes a user’s online activity on social media
Communications on social media also leave a track in the operating system. There is a special section to show URLs, the accounts used, the people with whom the user interacted, and the total time spent on communication. Using the saved logins and passwords, you can get direct access to the private information of a person’s account - messaging history, photos and videos.
Analyzes search queries and use of machine translation
The history of all search queries is given as a separate section. It contains all the information about searches made with popular search engines such as Google or Bing, in online stores like Amazon or Ebay, online maps by Google, social media like Facebook and YouTube, dating websites such asBeNaughty, Match, Tinder or OkCupid, and millions of other web sites and services.
Shows the user’s emails
All emails - viewed or sent - are available for review in a separate section. In addition to the date, it shows you the name of the resource where the email was viewed, the user account, and the subject. By using the received passwords, you can read someone else’s correspondence.
Shows created bookmarks and downloads
All bookmarks created by the user will be shown after scanning the browser. You will have access to bookmarks created both from a desktop computer or a smartphone. The saved web page URLs contain the date of creation and are arranged as a directory tree. The history of all downloaded objects is given as a separate section. For every download, the complete address and the time of starting and finishing the download are shown, as well as the path to the file on the disk.
Analyses the browser cache contents
When visiting any webpage, Chrome, Yandex, Opera and Mozilla Firefox copy numerous images and other objects onto the hard disk - into the browser cache. Hetman Internet Spy restores the files and the date of first access from the browser cache and shows it for review.
Shows saved passwords and entered addresses
For convenience, modern browsers suggest remembering passwords to user accounts in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email services, etc. This utility extracts saved passwords and addresses entered in contact forms from a person’s user account. Using the login keys, you can view someone’s emails and social media messages. Entering a person’s accounts in Google and Facebook gives you access to complete browsing history and search queries, all movements (via Geolocation), all the person’s contacts, and lots of other private information.
Recover browsing history after disk formatting
Deleting browser system files from the hard disk with Shift + Del or formatting the partition with subsequent reinstallation of a Windows operating system gives no protection against the Internet Spy. Hetman Internet Spy scans the disk directly and recovers the deleted browsing history.
Restores browsing history after it’s cleaned, or after Incognito or Private Mode have been used
You will be able to recover browsing history after it is cleaned, reset to default settings, and even after the browser is uninstalled and reinstalled. Using an Incognito tab in Chrome and Yandex, or a Private tab in Opera and Mozilla Firefox does not hide the browsing history, and you’ll be able to view it.
Exporting reports to Excel, HTML or PDF
You can save all the received data to Excel, HTML or PDF for further use or to import to other systems. The Report Wizard will help you select and export any useful information.
Browsers and operating systems
You can download and try Hetman Internet Spy for free. This product supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, and can recover browsing history for:
Cent Browser
Cốc Cốc
Comodo Dragon
Epic Privacy Browser
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mirosoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Opera Browser
SRWare Iron
UC Browser
Yandex Browser
Rambler Browser
Whats New:
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.