Paul Bloom
Paul Bloom是耶魯大學的心理學教授。他出生在加拿大的蒙特利爾,是加拿大麥基爾大學的本科生,之後他在麻省理工學院做博士後的工作。他多次發表文章在科學期刊Nature和Science以及流行雜誌如《紐約時報》和《大西洋月刊》上面。他是《共同的行為與腦科學》的編輯。他的著作包括:《How Children Learn the Meanings of Words》和《How the Science of Child Development Explains What Makes Us Human. 》他的研究專注於兒童對藝術、宗教、道德的認識。
1. Introduction
2. Foundations: This is Your Brain
3. Foundations: Freud
4. Foundations: Skinner
5. What Is It Like to Be a Baby: The Development of Thought
6. How Do We Communicate?: Language in the Brain, Mouth and the Hands
7. Conscious of the Present; Conscious of the Past: Language (cont.); Vision and Memory
8. Conscious of the Present; Conscious of the Past: Vision and Memory (cont.)
9. Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Love (Guest Lecture by Professor Peter Salovey)
10. Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Evolution and Rationality
11. Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Emotions, Part I
12. Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Emotions, Part II
13. Why Are People Different?: Differences
14. What Motivates Us: Sex
15. A Person in the World of People: Morality
16. A Person in the World of People: Self and Other, Part I
17. A Person in the World of People: Self and Other, Part II
18. What Happens When Things Go Wrong: Mental Illness, Part I
19. What Happens When Things Go Wrong: Mental Illness, Part II
20. The Good Life: Happiness
耶魯大學(Yale University),舊譯“耶勞大書院”,是一所坐落於美國康乃狄格州紐黑文市的私立大學,始創於1701年,初名“大學學院”(Collegiate School )。耶魯大學是美國歷史上建立的第三所大學,今為常青藤聯盟的成員之一。
在2007英國泰晤士專上教育增刊(Times Higher Education Supplement)的世界大學排名,耶魯大學在總平均排名與劍橋、牛津大學並列世界第二。美國普林斯頓評論(Princeton Review)在2006把耶魯大學在全美最難進的大學裡排第二。