商品编号: |
unc0311d |
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MIT開放課程: 振動與波 Open MIT Course: Vibrations and Waves 英文版 DVD 只於電腦播放 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
200 |
瀏覽次數: |
35868 |
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MIT開放課程: 振動與波 Open MIT Course: Vibrations and Waves 英文版 DVD 只於電腦播放 |
該課程為MIT開放課程系列中的: 8.03物理學III:振動與波上課時間:Fall 2004
課程等級設置: 本科主講: Walter Lewin
課程官網鏈接: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/8-03-ph...cription
Course Description:
In addition to the traditional topics of mechanical vibrations and waves, coupled oscillators, and electro-magnetic radiation, students will also learn about musical instruments, red sunsets, glories, coronae, rainbows, haloes, X-ray binaries, neutron stars, black holes and big-bang cosmology.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 即:MIT 是美國一所綜合性私立大學,有“世界理工大學之最”的美名。位於馬薩諸塞州的劍橋市,查爾斯河(Charles River)將其與波士頓的後灣區(Back Bay)隔開。今天MIT無論是在美國還是全世界都有非常重要的影響力,培養了眾多對世界產生重大影響的人士,是全球高科技和高等研究的先驅領導大學,也是世界理工科菁英的所在地。麻省理工是當今世界上最富盛名的理工科大學,《紐約時報》筆下“全美最有聲望的學校”。
1. Periodic Phenomena (Oscillations, Waves) - SHO - Complex Notation - Differential Equations - Physical Pendulum 2. Beats - Damped Free Oscillations (Under- Over- and Critically Damped) - Quality Q 3. Forced Oscillations with Damping - Destructive Resonance 4. Forced Oscillations - Power at Resonance (Resonance Absorption, Resonance Width, Quality Q) - Transient Phenomena (General Solutions including Initial Conditions) 5. Coupled Oscillators 6. Driven Coupled Oscillators - Triple Pendulum - Steady State and Transient Solutions - Cramer's Rule 7. Many Coupled Oscillators - Wave Equation - Transverse Traveling Pulses and Waves 8. Traveling Waves - Boundary Conditions - Standing Waves - Sound (Longitudinal Waves) - Energy in Waves 9. Musical Instruments - Sound Cavities - Normal Modes 10. Exam 1 Review 11. Fourier Analysis - Time Evolution of Pulses on Strings 12. Dispersion - Phase Velocity - Group Velocity 13. Electromagnetic Waves - Plane Wave Solutions to Maxwell's Equations - Polarization - Malus' Law 14. Accelerated Charges - Poynting Vector - Power - Rayleigh Scattering - Polarization 15. Doppler Effect - Sound - EM Radiation - Binary Stars - Neutron Stars and Black Holes - Expanding Universe 16. Boundary Conditions at Perfect Conductors - Reflection - Standing EM Waves - Transmission Lines - Radiation Pressure 17. Wave Guides - Resonance Cavities of EM-radiation and Sound 18. Boundary Conditions for Dielectrics - Index of Refraction - Snell's Law - Total Internal Reflection - Fresnel Equations - Brewster Angle 19. Exam 2 Review 20. Huygens' Principle - Interference - Thin films - Soap - Oil - Light (double slit interference) 21. Diffraction - Gratings - Pin Holes - Angular Resolution 22. Rainbows - Haloes - Coronae - Glories 23. Farewell Special - Bring a Friend!