iZotope Neutron mac是一種更智能的混合方式,使用Neutron創新的混合和分析工具,實現清晰,均衡的混合。通過iZotope屢獲殊榮的數字信號處理,控制音樂的各個方面,從曲目的視覺聲場到混音的音調平衡。Neutron具有我們創造的一些最佳音頻處理功能,可讓您在數字音頻工作站內實現專業的混音效果。使用Neutron創新的混合和分析工具,實現清晰,均衡的混合。通過iZotope屢獲殊榮的數字信號處理,控制音樂的各個方面,從曲目的視覺聲場到混音的音調平衡。
新的Tonal Balance Control插件引入了業界首創的視覺分析,並與Neutron的所有實例進行通信,因此您可以塑造完美平衡的混音。根據對數以萬計的專業混音的智能分析,即時調出任何Neutron EQ並根據目標調整您的曲目。您甚至可以從個人庫中的一首或多首歌曲創建自己的自定義目標。
音調平衡控制插件是一種分析音樂的新方式,可與Neutron 2和Ozone 8均衡器(單獨提供)進行通信。這種新的插件間通信可以幫助您解決妨礙掌握的混合問題,並彌補兩者之間的差距。沒有更多的上下文切換或打開多個窗口 - 只是平衡,專業的聲音音樂。
介紹Visual Mixer
作為行業首創,Neutron的Masking Meter允許您在視覺上識別感知頻率碰撞,這可能導致吉他屏蔽主唱,低音覆蓋鼓,以及其他可能導致“泥濘”或過於擁擠的混音的問題。在任意兩個軌道之間無縫切換,以劃出聲音空間,並確保每個樂器都有自己的發光位置
我們知道生產者和工程師並不總是在每條軌道上使用iZotope插件。沒關係!您仍然可以將任何音軌路由到新的Mix Tap插件中的音調平衡控制插件,Visual Mixer或Masking Meter。享受使用任何插件的靈活性,同時在整個組合中獲得我們創新工具的所有好處。
Neutron是混合音頻後期製作的最明智的方式。Neutron 2 Advanced包括Track Assistant,可快速分析和設置Neutron六個零延遲,CPU高效音頻處理器的音頻起點。亮點包括屢獲殊榮的BS.1770真峰值限幅器,帶滯後的多頻段門,均衡器學習,動態均衡器以超聲波平衡子混音,對話拋光Neutrino模式以及所有模塊的環繞聲支持。
Team iND | 21 Jun 2018 | AU VST VST3 |
A smarter way to mix for music and post production studios
Achieve a clear, well-balanced mix with Neutron’s innovative new mixing and analysis tools. Control every aspect of your music, from the visual soundstage of your tracks to the tonal balance of your mix—all with iZotope’s award-winning digital signal processing.
Tonal Balance Control
The new Tonal Balance Control plug-in introduces industry-first visual analysis and communicates with all instances of Neutron so you can shape a perfectly balanced mix. Instantly call up any Neutron EQ and adjust your tracks to targets based on hundreds of professional mixes. You can even create your own custom targets from one or more songs in your personal library.
Visual Mixer
The new Visual Mixer creates a picture of the entire soundstage, giving you control over individual tracks and enabling you to quickly and intuitively set the contour of your mix—all without leaving the window. Control the pan, gain, and width inside of Neutron so your mix sounds exactly how you intended.
Masking Meter
An industry first, Neutron's Masking Meter allows you to visually identify perceptual frequency collisions, which can result in guitars masking lead vocals, bass covering up drums, and other issues that can cause a "muddy" or overly crowded mix. Toggle seamlessly between any two tracks to carve out sonic space and ensure that each instrument has its own place to shine
Improved Track Assistant
Another industry first, Neutron’s updated Track Assistant lets you create a custom starting point based on your audio so you can focus on what’s most important—your creative take on the mix. In version two, we’ve made improvements including the ability to set auto-release, ratio and attack on the Compressor, piano instrument detection based on machine learning, and more.
Huge thanks to the cracker, who wishes to remain anonymous