InventorCAM 2018提供更好的加工設計方案,從軟件名字就知道該軟件主要工作的領域就是CAM,幫助用戶在設計機械零件的時候得到更強大的設計方案;該軟件可以加載到SOLIDWORKS和Autodesk Inventor,您需要保證電腦上已經安裝Autodesk公司的Inventor才能啟動,否則在安裝軟件完畢以後就會提示您沒有在電腦上找到Inventor軟件,所以無法啟動!
InventorCAM無縫集成於Autodesk Inventor,為CNC編程提供最佳的CAM解決方案
工作在現有的CAD系統:無縫集成於Autodesk Inventor
認證:自從2005年InventorCAM就被Autodesk Inventor認證為CAM合作夥伴
InventorCAM讓您用最少的錢辦最多的事:無縫集成的CAD/CAM解決方案- Inventor + InventorCAM更具有價格優勢。
InventorCAM 2018 SPX (x64) Multilingual | 3.6 Gb
InventorCAM is an Integrated CAM for Autodesk® Inventor® and it revolutionizes CNC milling with its unique iMachining technology - saving 70% and more in machining time and dramatically extending the cutting tools life.
InventorCAM is seamlessly integrated in Inventor and has full toolpath associativity to the Inventor model. The tight integration with Inventor streamlines the design-to-production life cycle.
The InventorCAM iMachining technology provides immense savings and increased efficiency in your CNC milling operations. The patented iMachining is completely unique both in its toolpath and its Technology Wizard that automatically calculates the optimal cutting conditions, taking into account the toolpath, stock and tool material and machine specifications.
InventorCAM offers a free full version 30-day trial. Download and experience the benefits of the powerful InventorCAM solution. Watch the InventorCAM Professor videos as you evaluate the InventorCAM functions.
- Saves 70% and more in machining time and dramatically extends the cutting tools life
- Seamlessly integrated in Inventor, with full toolpath associativity to the Inventor model
- Supports all CNC applications, including iMachining 2D, iMachining 3D, 2.5D Mill, 3D Mill/HSM, Indexial and Sim. 4/5 axes Milling, Turning and advanced Mill-Turn for Multi-Turret and Multi-Spindle CNC machines.
包含語言:簡體中文, 繁體中文, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese,Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish