商品编号: |
DVD11608 |
商品名稱: |
Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite 5.5.0 MacOSCreative Edge Software iC3D Suite 5.5.0 MacOS - 3D建模工具 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
11734 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
Creative Edge Software iC3D Suite 5.5.0 MacOSCreative Edge Software iC3D Suite 5.5.0 MacOS - 3D建模工具 |
Creative Edge Software iC3D中文破解版是一款功能強大的打包設計軟件,適用於那些尋求常規專用3D設計軟件的高端功能的軟件包設計人員。使用點編輯器和UVW編輯器等功能,iC3D v5.0能夠選擇3D模型上的點,編輯形狀,扭曲和表面效果,以視覺方式調整圖稿以改善標籤或包裝設計的實際外觀。這可能涉及添加隨機或不完善的方面,如摺痕,皺紋和壓痕。除了這些用於選擇性編輯的功能,5.0版本還包括自動處理。物理模擬器與遊戲和電影行業中使用的技術相似。在iC3D v5.0中,它會自動重新創建柔性包在不同情況下的行為,如凹陷,凸起和懸垂動態。密封收縮已經被開發來模擬收縮填充的袋子,例如那些通常用於預先包裝易腐物品的袋子,例如奶酪,魚和肉等。
C3D 5.0功能介紹
1、點編輯器 - 先進的形狀編輯工具,通過有選擇地向模型添加曲線,摺痕,皺褶和凹痕,從而提供增強的照片真實感
2、UVW編輯器 - 可以選擇性地處理放置在3D模型上的藝術作品,以糾正藝術品變形,改善自然主義並允許藝術表現
3、物理模擬器 - 自動計算適當的曲線,摺痕和扭曲,以便通過點擊鼠標來創建照片級逼真的3D柔性包裝,例如袋子和小袋
4、密封收縮 - 使用完全密封的袋子可視化收縮包裝。補充現有的iC3D Shrink Sleeve功能。
5、高級形狀建模器 - 用於創建高度複雜的3D形狀和形狀組合的附加工具.
iC3D is the first real-time, all-in-one package design software that lets you generate live 3D digital mockups on-the-fly, including cartons, labels, flexibles, bottles, shrink wraps and in-store visualization.
Other software applications frustratingly separate design applications into specific model types. iC3D encompasses all these and more, allowing these elements to be seamlessly combined in the same scene.
iC3D is the first 3D packaging visualisation software to offer patented Smart Mesh which allows labels and artwork to be instantly slid over models without needing tedious UVW texture co-ordinate mapping. Quickly design and generate asymmetric 3D models such as perfume bottles, trigger sprays and molded containers using iC3D’s unique Shape Modeller feature.
Visualize fast, accurate shrink and shrink artwork corrections on single & multiple objects, so they will be ready for production. Once finished you can output hi-resolution images, 3D PDF’s, generate proofs or print your models with leading 3D printers. Share your designs internally, with customers, by email, animated movies or with the free viewer, iC3D opsis, to make collaboration quick and simple.
iC3D v5
Creative Edge Software has just released version 5 of its groundbreaking iC3D packaging design solution containing a wealth of important new features. iC3D is the only complete 3D packaging solution that combines all tasks from initial packaging design to photo-realistic pack shots in one application.
System requirements
iC3D – Mac
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or higher
Ideal Configuration:
4GB + Ram
Dual core processor (quad core preferred).
Minimum: NVidia or ATI Graphics card with 1 GB VRAM (2 GB or higher recommended)
3rd Party Software:
*Adobe Illustrator Version 16 is required (i.e. CS6).
*Note: Will not work with older versions of Illustrator i.e. CS5
iC3D – Windows
Operating System: Windows® 7 or Windows® 8, 64 bit version only
Ideal Configuration:
4GB + Ram
Dual core processor (quad core preferred).
Minimum: NVidia or ATI Graphics card with 1 GB VRAM (2 GB or higher recommended)
3rd Party Software Required:
*Adobe Illustrator Version 16 is required (i.e. CS6). 64 bit version only
*Note: Will not work with older versions of Illustrator i.e. CS5
Home Page - http://www.creativeedgesoftware.com/