Photo EXIF And Watermark Maker是3delite官方推出的一款圖像信息查看和水印製作軟件,導入圖片就可查看詳細的exif信息了,包括作者、評論字段、大小等信息,同時還可為指定的照片添加水印,支持多種圖片格式。是攝影愛好者的不可獲取的工具.
Photo EXIF And Watermark Maker is a utility for photographers. Batch process images: change the EXIF copyright, author, comment fields, apply a watermark text or image, resize images and automatically rename the output files.
Change EXIF copyright, author, comment, keywords, title, description, subject fields
Apply a watermark text or image to the images
Resize images with high quality resamplers (Box, Linear, Cosine, Spline, Cubic, Mitchell, Lanczos, Gaussian, Blackman, Hann, Hamming, Sinsh, Hermite)
Automatically rename output images
Multi threaded processing of the images
Full unicode support
Supported input file formats:
JPG images (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
JPEG2000 images (*.jp2, *.j2k, *.jpc)
TIFF images (*.tif, *.tiff)
GFI fax images (*.fax)
SGI images (*.bw, *.rgb, *.rgba, *.sgi)
Autodesk images files (*.cel, *.pic) old style only
Truevision images (*.tga, *.vst, *.icb, *.vda, *.win)
ZSoft Paintbrush images (*.pcx, *.pcc)
Word 5.x screen capture files (*.scr)
Kodak Photo-CD images (*.pcd)
Portable pixel/gray map images (*.ppm, *.pgm, *.pbm)
Dr. Halo images (*.cut, *.pal)
CompuServe images (*.gif)
SGI Wavefront images (*.rla, *.rpf)
Standard Windows bitmap images (*.bmp, *.rle, *.dib),
Photoshop images (*.psd, *.pdd)
Paintshop Pro images (*.psp)
Portable network graphic images (*.png)
Amiga (*.iff, *.lbm)
DirectDraw Surface (*.dds)
Raw Fax format CCITT G3 (*.g3)
High Dynamic Range (*.hdr)
JPEG Network Graphics (*.jng)
Commodore 64 Koala format (*.koa)
Multiple Network Graphics (*.mng)
Sun Rasterfile (*.ras)
Truevision Targa files (*.tga, *.targa)
Wireless Bitmap (*.wbmp)
X11 Bitmap Format (*.xbm)
X11 Pixmap Format (*.xpm)
Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.