Autodesk Revit LT 2019是由autodesk歐特克公司官方推出的一款功能強大、經濟高效、並適用於建築師和設計師BIM軟件。Revit系列軟件一共有2個版本,分別是Revit和Revit LT。Autodesk Revit LT 2019是Revit 2019的功能精簡版,適用於建築師和設計師,包括建築建模、結構建模、MEP建模、高級建模、分析、文檔編制等,和Revit 2018相比缺少施工建模此項功能,還可鏈接並處理其他Revit文件,支持多種文件的導入。Revit LT 2019剛剛已經正式上線了,新版本僅適用於64位操作系統,這個版本優化了工作流程,提高了建模的性能,可以廣泛地應用於各類建築設計領域,可以幫助設計師完成高質量的模型設計工作。新版本的Revit LT 2019會多包含一些特殊功能,比如工作共享、分析和產品內渲染等,但是Revit LT的價格會更便宜,通過BIM,可以給建築工程師提供一套完整的集成流程,它可以模擬真實性,讓用戶更直觀了瞭解整個工程項目的成本、工期與環境影響等。另外軟件還新增了一百多種鋼結構節點,擁有生自動生成混凝土結構連接類型,從而可以大大地提高工程效率,深受用戶的喜愛。
x64 | Multilingual
In line with AutoCAD LT and Inventor LT, Autodesk also developed a "Limited Technology" version of Revit
- a simpler and cheaper Revit LT , especially for smaller companies switching to BIM 3D design .
Autodesk Revit LT is based on Revit's kernel and is fully compatible with both the data and user environments. Using Revit LT, designers can participate in BIM processes while taking advantage
of the simplified design environment of this design build application. Revit LT Suite adds 3D BIM
features to AutoCAD LT
3D Design and Visualization:
In the Revitu LT, you project 3D. You can easily create any view or perspective, slices or details in any
part of the design. The Walker tool creates animated visualization of the project, which will
facilitate communication with the customer by a detailed presentation of the virtual building.
Photorealistic rendering in the cloud:
Subscription includes Autodesk 360 Rendering to help you create convincing photorealistic images and panoramas of your projects.
Enhanced Document Quality:
Autodesk Revit LT automatically manages successive project changes and projects them into
accompanying documentation. Costs and risks of last-minute changes are minimal, documentation
is always up to date.
Automatically generated reports and material volumes:
By automating the building component reports you have an accurate overview of quantities, materials
and prices. Reports are generated from the model and are therefore up to date. The change in the report
is automatically projected back into views, cuts and details.
Accelerating work thanks to a large library of features:
Revitu LT includes a large library of 2D details and 3D models of building elements. You can also create
your own components. Libraries are compatible with all Revit family products.
Increased accuracy thanks to intelligent elements"
Revit family uses the representation of building elements (walls, furniture, windows, doors, etc.).
These can have the built-in intelligence given by the parameters (height, width, material, price, fire resistance ...) and these parameters can be extracted from the BIM model at any time. You can create
your own families without programming knowledge.
Easily exchange data with Revite and DWG format"
Project files can be easily shared with other users - Revit LT is fully compatible with Revit Architecture,
Revit MEP and Revit Structure. Revit LT also generates standard, well-structured drawings in AutoCAD format - DWG.
LT Version Limitations
Restrictions of the LT version against the full version of Revit are as follows: missing some
advanced features, conceptual modeling, worksharing, import / export, no internal render (cloud
only render), no APIs for superstructures. Otherwise, Revit LT includes all Revit features - architectural
3D BIM modeling, parametric RFA families, drawing drawings, cuts, reports, phases and revisions,
working with DWG, DWF.