商品编号: |
DVDXX13021 |
商品名稱: |
Siemens HEEDS MDO 2018.10.2 Linux-多學科設計優化軟件 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
11156 |
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Siemens HEEDS MDO 2018.10.2 Linux-多學科設計優化軟件 |
HEEDS ® MDO——多學科設計優化軟件
多學科 不論是結構問題(線性或非線性,靜態或動態,散裝材料或複合材料)、流體問題、熱力學問題, 或者聲學問題、NVH問題、動力學問題以及同時存在以上幾項問題,HEEDS MDO都可以幫助用戶尋找最佳解決方案。 易於使用的界面 雖然HEEDS MDO使用的技術很複雜,但是軟件用戶界面友好。它特有的選項卡界面可以使用戶明確項目建立和執行的六個過程。 與諸多CAE工具的連接 HEEDS MDO與所有常用的CAE應用軟件均有接口,使設計優化過程自動化。它還能調用多種軟 件工具進行前處理,後處理,分析計算和多學科優化。HEEDS MDO為以下工具提供輸入和輸出接口: Abaqus ANSYS WB Excel LS-DYNA Nastran
NX Solidworks SW Simulation 另外,HEEDS MDO提供一種通用接口生成ASCII格式的輸入輸出文件,從而可以連接所有商業或 者私有CAE工具。如果您不確定您的工具是否與HEEDS MDO兼容,可以聯繫我們。 獨有的優化技術 HEEDS MDO默認的研發方式-SHERPA採用多重研發策略,可以動態和實時的隨著優化範圍的變化調整針對問題的研發方式。用戶可以利用HEEDS軟件進行眾多的分析,快速確定優化空間,省去了眾多的試驗費用及時間;從大量的模型參數中提取出敏感參數,並對敏感性參數進行評估;對模型的健壯性和可靠性進行評估。通過對模型參數的優化,達到減少模型質量與成本的目的。 通過HEED優化分析,車身減重33.5kg
並行優化技術 HEEDS PARALLEL通過同時提交多個方案給不同的處理器,提高優化速度,且速度提高與硬件及軟件資源幾乎是線性的關係。 典型應用 BD公司:使用HEEDS MDO結合有限元方法對醫療器械設計進行優化和評估。 PRATT & MILLER:使用HEEDS MDO優化軍用重型汽車底盤組件參數,為賽車優化齒輪速比,優化賽車懸掛系統的球形連接頭。
Siemens HEEDS MDO 2018.10.2 Linux | 641.1 mb
Siemens is pleased to announce the availability of HEEDS MDO 2018.10. This release is full of new upgrades to make your experience more flexible and more intuitive than ever before.
What's new in HEEDS MDO 2018.10:
HEEDS 2018.10 is packed with great enhancements that continue to streamline design space exploration through improved results, processing, and automated analysis tools. Improved usability and simplification of analysis set up will allow for all design project team members to easily deploy HEEDS.
It can be difficult to assess the process status when analyses are running with complex or parallel processes in HEEDS|MDO. The analyses’ execution stages can now be easily visualized in a Gantt-like time scale view allowing investigation of execution conflicts and bottlenecks.
Software is often installed at different locations on different machines accessed by HEEDS|MDO, making it challenging to set up an analysis with the proper execution command that works on all systems. HEEDS 2018.10 is now equipped with a simple and powerful uniform interface that allows you to specify, for each compute resource, the right configuration properties to run your solvers on that particular system, time and again, without having to reconfigure to accommodate other systems.
There are design problems that require input variable equality constraints to be enforced, which can be cumbersome to formalize into an optimization problem statement. With this new feature, ensuring the design variables add-up to a specific value is now easier than ever.
With new major portals being added, such as FEMAP, Samcef, FloMASTER and FloTHERM, HEEDS continues to find new ways to help you leverage your software investments. HEEDS 2018.10 also is packed with improvements to existing portals to boost productivity.
The new version of HEEDS now fully supports parsing XML files for tagging. Use this feature to tag, auto-tag and multi-tag input and output parameters. Tagging with XML is easy to use and requires no prior XML knowledge.
We’ve seen our users manage a lot of external data sets. They are often willing to import them into HEEDS for post processing and optimization. Now we’ve made the experience much easier and straightforward by allowing the seamless import of external data sources into HEEDS with a single button push! You can also use this feature to plot data from multiple studies on the same plot.
About HEEDS MDO. HEEDS MDO provides automation, design exploration, and optimization tools that integrate into existing workflows as well as with the design and analysis tools currently in use. The software automatically explores a user’s design space then identifies solutions that meet user-defined goals, such as reducing product cost while improving performance. HEEDS MDO is said to be able to find the values of design parameters that best satisfy design criteria regardless if the user seeks to improve the design of a simple component or engineer a complex multidisciplinary system.
About HEEDS software. HEEDS software is offered by Siemens PLM Software, a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) and manufacturing operations management (MOM) software. The HEEDS team is located in East Lansing, Michigan, with software distributors throughout the world. We offer design space exploration services and software to our customers and clients based on our core values — unbridled innovation, uncompromising integrity, and quality in everything we do.
Product: Siemens HEEDS MDO
Version: 2018.10.2 build 8273 with VCollab 2015
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.redcedartech.com
Language: english
System Requirements: Linux
Supported Operating Systems: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, CentOS 5 and 6