商品编号: |
DVDXX13211 |
商品名稱: |
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition Update 3 2019-編程軟件 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
10022 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition Update 3 2019-編程軟件 |
ParallelStudio XE 2019專業版包括完整的編譯器和庫選擇。使用性能分析器,優化的矢量化,線程原型設計以及內存和線程的調試工具來構建您的功能。新版Parallel Studio XE 2019,這是其高性能計算工具套件的最新版本,適用於C / C ++,Fortran和Python開發人員使用和增強其應用程序的性能。
這套全面的開發工具使用矢量化,多線程,多節點並行化和內存優化等最新技術,使代碼的構建和現代化變得更加簡單。它使C,C ++,Fortran和Python *軟件開發人員能夠:
在英特爾VTune放大器中體驗全新,更直觀的用戶界面和增強的車頂線分析。使用Platform Profiler預覽運行更長時間的高級性能分析。
使用英特爾Advisor中Flow Graph Analyzer組件中的快速可視原型設計環境可視化並行性。使用它以交互方式構建,驗證和可視化並行算法。
使用IntelDistributionfor Python *加速數據分析和科學計算,現已集成到IntelParallelStudio XE中。
通過conda *,pip *,DockerHub *,APT GET和YUM訪問最新的英特爾性能庫和英特爾分發版。
x64 | Language:English |
Intel Parallel Studio is a software product from Intel for optimal compilation of fortrans and ++ C programs with parallel processing capabilities, in fact, Intel's goal is to provide this bundle to provide a programming environment with a variety of capabilities, including parallel processing To help programmers implement their applications in the most optimal way, they will enjoy maximum power and speed on Intel® Xeon® processors and Intel® Xeon Phi ™ coprocessors.Given the fact that the maker of the Intel processors provided this software, it can be used with great confidence, this software includes various tools and libraries for multi-threading, mathematics and numeracy, working with data and files Media, etc.
to speed up programming, also has different profiles and analyzers for analyzing and optimizing the code; in addition, the powerful debugger of this software can not be used to troubleshoot written codes; in the end, Intel Parallel Studio is a simple solution. It's fast and secure for parallel programming for next-generation processors.
Features and Intel Parallel Studio:
-With compilers ++ C / C and Fortran
-++ C and Java libraries benefit from increased speed of data analysis.
-MKL library for the benefit of mathematics ++ C and Fortran
-TBB multi-threading library for ++ C
-Library and media for IPP ++ C
-Having observed the debugger thread and memory to ++ C and Fortran
-Profiler to assess the effectiveness of the program in language C ++, Fortran, C # and Java
-++ C and Fortran MPI Library for
-ITAC MPI profiler and analyst for ++ C and Fortran
-Working with numbers for Fortran Library
Application List:
-Intel C ++ Compiler 19.0 Update 3
-Intel Fortran Compiler 19.0 Update 3
-Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel Daal) 19.0 Update 3
-Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) 19.0 Update 3
-Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL) 19.0 Update 3
-Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB) 19.0 Update 4
-Intel-provided Debug Solutions 8.0
Intel Parallel Studio XE Professional Edition adds the following utilities:
-Intel VTune Amplifier XE 19.0 Update 3
-Intel Advisor XE 19.0 Update 3
-Intel Inspector XE 19.0 Update 3
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition includes all previous tools plus:
-Intel MPI Library 19.0 Update 3
-Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector 19.0 Update 3
-Intel Cluster Checker
-Intel MPI Benchmarks
System requirements:
-OS:Windows 7, 8.1, 10 operating system or Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019
-Processor with Intel64 architecture (Intel Core family and above, Intel Xeon E5 v5 family, Intel Xeon E7 v5 family)
-12 GB of disk space (minimum) for a standard installation. For Cluster installation, an additional 4 GB of disk space is required
-RAM:2 GB of RAM (minimum)
-Integration with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, 2017 is supported.