商品编号: |
DVDXX13404 |
商品名稱: |
ESI VA One 2018.0-全頻單環境仿真軟件 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
16421 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
ESI VA One 2018.0-全頻單環境仿真軟件 |
VA One是法國ESI集團於2005年推出的全頻段振動噪聲分析的模擬環境,代表著ESI集團在振動噪聲模擬、分析和設計方面的最新技術,被業界專家評為振動噪聲工程近二十年來最重大的突破。
VA One把有限元分析(FEA),邊界元分析(BEM),統計能量分析(SEA)及其混合分析集中於一個易於進行模擬的環境。同時,VA One提供有限元、邊界元和統計能量分析一種嚴格的耦合形式,能夠統一而可靠地進行全頻譜範圍的求解。
從2004年以來,汽車,航空和鐵路領域的一些世界性企業參與了ESI集團的結構噪聲共同體(SBNC- Structure-borne Noise Consortium)項目,對發展和驗證VA One方案做出了重要的貢獻。聯盟成員包括:空中客車德國部(Airbus Deutschland GmbH),波音商業飛機(Boeing Commercial Airplanes),龐巴迪運輸(Bombardier Transportation),歐洲航空防務及航天公司研發中心(EADS CRC Research Centre GmbH),本田汽車(Honda Motor Co),三菱電機(Mitsubishi Motor Co),英國QinetiQ Ltd,立達汽車系統(Rieter Automotive Systems),大眾汽車(Volkswagen AG)等。
VA One包含有一系列的內部求解器,從而可以滿足對振動噪聲分析的需要。另外,這一工具軟件還包括有與外部求解器的接口,以確保與目前振動噪聲分析和設計過程的兼容性。VA One具有很大的靈活性,可以讓用戶選擇基於成本、時間和計算資源的最佳模擬方案。這一軟件還包含有強有力的管理工具,以快捷地根據CAD和FEA的數據建立模擬模型。VA One方案還提供了一個廣泛的附加模塊庫,以確保軟件可以集成於現有的CAE和設計過程中。例如,SYSWELD用於獲得不同銲接連接具體的材料和幾何屬性。這個結果輸入給VA One ,用於在一個耦合的有限元/SEA分析中定義局部連接細節。這種方法提供了一個評估複雜系統振動-聲學響應考慮不同銲接和熱處理過程影響的高效途徑。
ESI VA One 2018.0 |
ESI Group, a leading innovator in Virtual Prototyping software and services for manufacturing industries, announces the release of VA One 2018. VA One is the only full-frequency, single-environment simulation software available for solving a wide range of noise and vibration design challenges in automotive, aerospace, marine and industrial applications. VA One seamlessly combines Finite Elements, Boundary Elements and Statistical Energy Analysis into one flexible modeling environment.
ESI VA One 2018 optimizes ongoing improvements in multi-core processing to provide significant improvements in overall model run time and overall performance speed, particularly in read, write, and solve steps. It also introduces unique capabilities for flexibly modeling complex loads and is able to robustly address the growing challenge faced by the automotive and aerospace industries to accurately predict wind and other noise due to turbulent flow effects. Excessive wind noise, which is generated by vehicles moving at high speed, is more than simply an acoustic annoyance to end users: excessive wind noise negatively impacts phone calls and applications using voice recognition inside the vehicle. Reducing wind noise as much as possible is thus crucial to allow optimal performance of various in-car communications.
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