流程,提供一流的草繪、建模與視覺化工具,以領先競爭對手的速度創作出創新的利用 Autodesk ReCap 軟體來捕捉下真實的世界並整合到你的設計流程當中。
ReCap 點雲以及影像建模 3D 軟體和服務,能與 Autodesk 旗下的軟體有相當良好的整合性,例如 3ds Max 2014 等等。所以你可以從掃瞄得到的精準資料來開始著手設計。
Autodesk ReCap 點雲展示軟體以及雷射掃瞄ReCap 點雲軟體可以為 3D 雷射掃瞄提供一個強大的真實捕捉工作流程,能省下50% 的專案時間並且不會壓縮到資料的準確性。並可將雷射掃瞄的檔案分享到雲端上來與它人協同工作。有了 ReCap Pro,能夠處理多種掃瞄的檔案格式。
ReCap 360-相片建模的雲端服務ReCap 360 是一個相片建模的雲端服務,也就是透過網頁瀏覽器像 Google Chrome/IE 等等。可瀏覽並分享如眼睛所見的般的雷射掃瞄資料。可以從數位或相片來產生帶有貼圖的 3D Mesh 以及點雲(Point Cloud )資料。
ReCap 360 可自動接合相片並加上參考點或是已知的距離資訊來增處理的進準確度。
x64 | Language:Multilanguage |
Capture and integrate reality data directly into your design process with reality capture software and services that work with Autodesk design and creation suites.
ReCap Photo
Get expanded photogrammetry capabilities with ReCap Photo, now available with a subscription to ReCap Pro.
ReCap Pro for mobile
Register, mark up, and measure reality capture data in the field with an iPad Pro. Includes collaboration features.
Automatically register laser scans
Automatic registration creates an accurate, scalable 3D point cloud from your scan data in minutes.
Measure and edit point clouds
Use ReCap to to measure, markup, and communicate throughout the point cloud data and share it with collaborators.
Auto cleanup tool
Remove unwanted objects from your point clouds.
Convert your point cloud into a mesh with the scan-to-mesh service for use in other Autodesk products.
Aerial photogrammetry
Autodesk ReCap Photo is an extension of Autodesk ReCap Pro made for converting aerial and object photographs to 3D models.
Create videos
Explore video output features to showcase your project to collaborators and clients.
System requirements for Autodesk ReCap Pro 2020:
Microsoft® Windows® 10 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit);
Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, or Professional (64-bit)
CPU:2.0 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 64-bit (x64) processor
Memory:8 GB or more RAM
Display:1600 x 1050 or higher true color
Display Card:OpenGL 3.3 capable workstation-class graphics card with 1 GB or greater graphics memory
Brower:Google Chrome™ - latest version
System requirements for Autodesk ReCap Photo 2020:
Microsoft® Windows® 10 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit);
CPU:2.0 GHz or faster 64-bit (x64) processor
Memory:64 GB system RAM
Display Card:Video Nvidia® GFX® card with 4GB VRAM ²
Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, or Professional (64-bit)