商品编号: |
DVDXX13807 |
商品名稱: |
Vero Edgecam Desinger 2020.0 x64-是壹款針對CAM用戶的CAD直接建模解決方案 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
16609 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
Vero Edgecam Desinger 2020.0 x64-是壹款針對CAM用戶的CAD直接建模解決方案 |
EDGECAM Designer2020是一款針對CAM用戶的CAD直接建模解決方案。從幾何體製造到最終製造,一體化的流程,他完美的幫助用戶填補了CAD和CAM之間的空白。從夾具設計到零件維修和修改設計,功能非常的齊全。軟件的優勢在於擁有易於學習的直觀用戶界面和直接建模CAD環境,可完美結合線框,表面和實體建模,支持通過自動化區域創建實現強大的草圖繪製,可以快速表面修復導入的數據,支持廣泛的CAD導入格式列表等。其強大的直接建模操作突破了傳統建模的複雜操作,你無需再修改一系列冗長的參數來進行設計更改,直接建模允許用戶推動,拉動和拖動幾何體以獲得其所需的形狀。這些更改可以完全自由形式,也可以通過數字增量和從現有幾何體中獲取的測量值來驅動。並且設計變更不受原始創建方法的約束,不再需要瞭解如何構建原始模型,無論是創建新組件還是修改以Designer支持的任何CAD格式創建的現有設計,直接建模都為用戶提供了完全的構建自由。如果你還不適應軟件的使用的話,也不用擔心,因為軟件擁有豐富的帶有上下文相關聯機幫助的簡單菜單和圖標命令,跟著提示走就能輕鬆完成你想要的操作。EDGECAM Designer的動態旋轉,縮放和平移,以及可編程功能鍵和鼠標按鈕有助於加快軟件的運行。利用用戶可定義的書籤進行無限制的撤銷和重做操作,使設計人員能夠在整個設計過程中前後移動。具有用戶可定義顏色托盤和線條樣式的多層和多源控制使得查看,創建和處理非常複雜的設計變得容易。閃電快速渲染,透明度控制和動態切片使CAD文件和大型裝配體的可視化變得容易。
EDGECAM Designer fills the gap between CAD and CAM. From fixture design, to part repair & modification, EDGECAM Designer is the ultimate CAD solution for taking geometry through to manufacture.
Direct modelling frees the user from the constraints of a traditional modelling system. Rather than modifying a lengthy series of parameters to make a design change, direct modelling allows the user to push, pull and drag the geometry to obtain their desired shape. These changes can be completely freeform or driven by numeric increments and measurements taken from existing geometry.
Knowledge of how the original model was constructed is no longer necessary and design changes are not constrained to the original methods of creation. Direct modelling gives the user complete freedom of construction whether creating a new component or modifying an existing design created in any of the myriad of CAD formats that Designer supports.
Simple menu and icon commands with context sensitive online help make it quick and easy to start using EDGECAM Designer.
Dynamic rotation, zoom and pan, together with programmable function keys and mouse buttons help speed up the operation of the software. Unlimited undo and redo operations with user definable bookmarks enable the designer to move backwards and forwards throughout the design process. Multi-layer and multi-origin control with user definable color pallets and line styles makes it easy to review, create and work with very complex designs. Lightning fast rendering, transparency control and dynamic sectioning make it easy to visualize CAD files and large assemblies.