商品编号: |
DVDXX14151 |
商品名稱: |
Schlumberger Petrel 2016.3-三維可視化建模軟件 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
24932 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
Schlumberger Petrel 2016.3-三維可視化建模軟件 |
petrel是由Schlumberger開發出品,以三維地質模型為中心的勘探開發一體化平台,屬於地球物理專業軟件,目前已開發到2016版本 。
Petrel是一套基於 Windows 平台的三維可視化建模軟件,它集地震解釋、構造建模、岩相建模、油藏屬性建模和油藏數值模擬顯示及虛擬現實於一體,為地質學家、地球物理學家,岩石物理學家,油藏工程人員提供了一個共享的信息平台。同時,Petrel應用了各種先進技術:強大的構造建模技術、高精度的三維網格化技術、確定性和隨機性沉積相模型建立技術、科學的岩石物理建模技術、先進的三維計算機可視化和虛擬現實技術。
Petrel的功能不僅可以使用戶提高對油藏內部細節的認識、精確描述透視油藏屬性的空間分佈、計算其儲量和誤差、比較各風險開發模型、設計井位和鑽井軌跡、無縫集成油井生產數據和油藏數模數值模擬器、發現剩餘油藏和隱蔽油藏,從而極大地降低開發成本。同樣重要的是,Petrel提供的數字模型及虛擬現實技術使技術總工和管理決策者不再限於傳統方式那樣審查報告圖集和聽取多媒體介紹來綜合決策, 他們和專業人員一起,通過聲控或其它交互,浸入到工作區的圈閉和油藏周圍,甚至沿著要布的井跡,觸摸那些儲層,親臨其境地檢查成果,調看不同思路的建模和模擬結果,從而達到降低風險,優化決策。Petrel以更快、更精確、更為經濟的技術手段滿足了精細地質研究對軟件的需求。
Schlumberger Petrel 2016.3 |
Schlumberger has released the 2016.3 Petrel E&P software platform delivering integrated analysis from exploration to production. This release delivers many new workflows and enhancements.
Petrel Platform Release Notes 2016.3 - 9 February 2017:
The key new workflows and enhancements in this release are:
Geophysics: General
- Flip/Roll Mixer tool:Favorites are now window specific. It is also possible to navigate simultaneously between all rows marked as Favoritein all open windows by selecting the Window specific favoritescheck box.
- Use local flash disk cache: A new caching method has been added to enhance ZGY volume rendering performance, especially for large ZGY volumes exceeding the limit of RAM size, in 3D and Interpretationwindows.
- Colorstab in the Seismic Inspector: Data histogram and Opacity selectionare now available from the Inspector, allowing you to apply opacity on the fly by drawing an opacity curve directly on the data histogram. You can also change color limits symmetrically by selecting the Symmetric mode.
- Surface attributes: New surface attributes are available and some of the surface attributes are modified to include new parameter controls, such as Interval parameters and Resample parameters.
- Volume attributes: The volume attributes that use Hilbert transforms now allow the ability to specify a larger window size so that they handle signals with longer wavelength better.
Geophysics: Quantitative Interpretation
- Repeatability QC attributes: As part of the 4D interpretation workflow, the Quantitative Interpretation attribute library has been extended by including the Repeatability Quality Control Attribute.
- EEI surface attributes:A new component has been added to the Extended Elastic Impedance workflow, where you can calculate extended elastic impedance (EEI) surface attribute from Intercept and Gradient or from Acoustic impedance and Gradient impedance surface attributes.
- Advanced Geophysics Ribbon Update: A new set of tools has been integrated into the Quantitative Interpretationand Time-Lapse Analysis tabs, expanding the Advanced Geophysics workflows.
Geophysics: Seismic Well Tie
- Multi-well synthetic generation: Seismic well tie includes a new process dialog called Multi-well synthetic generation, where you can create a synthetic generation study for multiple wells in a single Well section window.
- Snap options for alignment points or bulk shift line: A basic option has been added to increase the accuracy of the Seismic well tie workflow.
- Best wavelet length selection: An additional set of tools to define the Wavelet length parameter has been introduced in the Wavelet toolboxas part of the S/N extraction method.
- Amplitude and Phase spectra error curves: A new option to visualize the amplitude and phase spectra error curves based on the extracted wavelet has been introduced.
Geology: Wells
- Well top spreadsheet Studio sync status: When connected to a Studio repository, you can now see the synchronization status of the markers in the Well top spreadsheet. Use this attribute for filtering in the table.
- Well trajectory interpolation: When viewing the Trajectory spreadsheet for a well, there is now the option to interpolate by either MD, TVD, TWT, or row index at a specified step increment and for a set range.
- Checkshot loader Calculate timeshift when ETZ > SRD: When loading checkshots, there is a new option to calculate the needed time shift to correct data with a time datum different from SRD.
- Explicit Well path/deviation loader enhancement: It is now also possible to load explicit trajectories by using only four channels. You can load either X/DX, Y/DY, Z, MD or X/DX, Y/DY, TVD, MD as inputs and Petrel will calculate the Inclination and Azimuth.
- Translate trajectories to position: By selecting the ‘Translate trajectories to position’ option, it is now possible to translate Explicit and XYZ/TVD trajectories to a given position as well as to move the well vertically by modifying the well datum in the well settings and the Well manager spreadsheet.
Studio: Studio Client Petrel
- New Workstep: A new workstep has been added to the Workflow editor to retrieve any new children items associated with the input data, along with any updates to the item and existing children from Studio.
- Custom Log Attributes: User-defined well log attributes can now be visualized and edited in the Repository data table.
Further information about the before-mentioned workflows and enhancements and more detail in the companion document, Petrel 2016 Release Notes.pdf.
Product: Schlumberger Petrel
Version: 2016.3
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.software.slb.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even SP1 or newer