Affinity Photo 比以往任何時候都更加快速、流暢和強大,並且它還將繼續推動專業照片編輯軟件的界限。借助專為創意和攝影專業人士設計的巨大工具箱,無論您是編輯和修飾圖像,還是創建全面的多層構圖,它都具備您所需要的全部功能和性能。
使用色階、曲線、黑白、白平衡、HSL、陰影和高光以及通過十幾種其他無損調整來修改和增強圖像,這些調整可以即時預覽,並且可隨時編輯。Affinity Photo 還提供高級鏡頭校正和一流的降噪技術,使您可以完全控制,從而真正體現出圖像的最佳效果。
無論您想快速修正,或花時間進行精細修飾,Affinity Photo 都有您需要的所有工具。除了減淡、加深、仿製、修補、斑點修復和紅眼工具外,您還會發現神奇的圖像修復畫筆、頻率間隔功能,以及內置的全套液化功能。
專用的 RAW 工作空間
在專用工作空間中開發相機 RAW 文件,在無界線性顏色空間中提供您需要的所有精確調整和校正功能。
EXIF & 元數據
帶色調映射的 HDR 合併
通過將多個曝光包圍合併為一個無界 32 位圖像,單次拍攝獲得不可能的細節。
從 RAW 合併
使用 Affinity Photo 先進的選擇精細化算法,達到您意想不到的精確程度。無論是裁剪對象、創建蒙版還是有選擇性地應用調整,都可以輕鬆地進行極為精細的選擇 — 即便是細化到單獨的一縷縷頭髮也能輕鬆實現。
除了支持無限圖層外,Affinity Photo 還提供完整的調整圖層、圖層效果和實時濾鏡圖層庫,所有這些圖層都可以進行分組、裁剪、遮罩或混合到一起用於創建極其複雜的照片構圖。
PSD 導入/導出
直接在 Affinity Photo 中導入和編輯 Photoshop 文件,並保持調整、效果和圖層完好無損。支持較大的 PSB 文件、Photoshop 插件和 ABR 畫筆文件。
Affinity Photo 帶有種類繁多、完全可定製的高端濾鏡,包括光照、模糊、扭曲、傾斜-偏移、陰影、發光等。但是真正讓它與眾不同的是,當您調整過濾器的屬性時,總能實時看到結果的全分辨率預覽。
使用超過 120 個專業設計的畫筆,包括效果、鬃毛、乾性畫筆、墨水、標記、塗料等,進行繪畫和素描。Affinity Photo 可與所有主要的繪圖板兼容,並支持壓力感應和畫筆穩定功能,可實現超平滑自然的筆法。
超過 120 個畫筆
.abr 畫筆導入
借助 Affinity Photo 先進的拼接算法、自動圖像對齊和全角度校正功能,每次都能製作出完美的全景。
熟練地合併以不同焦距拍攝的多個圖像成就更大的景深。Affinity Photo 負責對齊並完成詳細分析,以確定每個圖像的最佳使用區域。
Windows x64 |
Five years in the making, Affinity Photo redefines the boundaries for professional photo editing software. With a meticulous focus on workflow it offers sophisticated tools for enhancing, editing and retouching your images in an incredibly intuitive interface, with all the power and performance you need.
Engineered for professionals
Built on rock solid foundations with principles of performance, stability and lack of bloat, Affinity Photo is a professional photography tool to the very core.
Comprehensive RAW editing
Develop camera RAW files in a dedicated built-in workspace with all the processing adjustments and corrections you need.
Unsurpassed file compatibility
We’ve got the best PSD support out there, plus all the standards you’d expect including PNG, JPG, TIFF, EPS, PDF, and SVG.
Work in any color space
RGB, CMYK, LAB, Grayscale. End-to-end CMYK workflow with ICC color management, and 32-bit per channel editing.
Dedicated RAW editing workspace
Compatible with all major camera file formats, the Develop persona offers a dedicated processing workspace offering incredibly accurate editing in an unbounded linear color space.
Complete digital darkroom
Affinity Photo includes all the tools you need from a professional photography application. Every tool has been painstakingly engineered for speed, power and accuracy—and they work in precisely the way you want them to.
Fast, customizable effects
Affinity Photo comes with a huge range of high-end filters including lighting, blurs, distortions, tilt-shift, shadows, glows and many more. Full control is given over every aspect of a filter’s properties with incredibly precise controls—all the while seeing a real-time live preview of the result. Best of all, filters can be applied as live layers, enabling you to edit, erase away, or mask effects after they have been applied.
Advanced adjustment layers
Correct and enhance images with Levels, Curves, Black and White, White Balance, HSL, Shadows and Highlights and over a dozen other adjustments that are previewed instantly and can be edited any time. Adjust, readjust, and drag and drop onto any layer, group, mask, or in any place in a stack to control how they’re applied.
Live blend modes
Remove trial and error from your workflow—see changes to blend modes live as you edit without having to click apply each time. Affinity Photo’s 30 layer blends preview smoothly in real time while you scroll through them.
Sophisticated selection refinement
Accurate selections are critical, whether cutting out objects, creating masks or selectively applying adjustments. Our selection refinement algorithm is one of the most advanced available, making selections—even down to individual strands of hair—easier than ever before.
Precise photo stitching
Affinity Photo’s stitching algorithm is one of the most advanced available. On top of accurate automatic alignment and perspective corrections, you get full control over each image and boundary in the composite to fine tune to perfection.
Extensive retouching tools
Whether you want to make quick corrections, or spend an hour on a detailed retouch, Affinity Photo has all the tools you need. That naturally includes dodge, burn, clone, patch, blemish, and red eye tools. But you’ll also find an incredibly accurate inpainting brush, frequency separation capability, and a full set of liquify features built-in.