ActCAD是一款面向工程師、建築師和其他技術顧問的2D繪圖和3D建模CAD軟件。ActCAD是一個用於創建和編輯圖紙的本地DWG & DXF CAD軟件。ActCAD採用IntelliCAD引擎、Open Design Alliance DWG/DXF庫、ACIS 3D建模內核等技術。此外,ActCAD還有許多附加命令、特性和其他生產力工具。
x64 | language:Multilanguage |
ActCAD is a 2D Drafting and 3D Modeling CAD software meant for Engineers, Architects and other technical consultants. ActCAD is a native DWG & DXF CAD software to create and edit drawings. ActCAD uses IntelliCAD engine, Open Design Alliance DWG/DXF Libraries, ACIS 3D Modeling Kernel and many other Technologies. In-addition, ActCAD has many add-on commands, features and other Productivity Tools.
ActCAD CAD Software includes many other tools like Block Libraries (in the domains of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Architectural, Structural, P &IDs etc.), Batch file converter, Units converter, PDF to DXF Converter, Image to DXF converter, LH Sections and many other productive tools. ActCAD supports many other file formats like dgn, STL, OBJ, 2D PDF, 3D PDF, SVG etc. All dwg/dxf versions from very old R2.5 to latest 2018 are supported.
Features of ActCAD 2020 Professional:
-Artisan Renderer IN ACTCAD
-ActCAD supports many file formats
-ActCAD Text Cases
-Create & Edit Tables
-Printing & Plotting
-Familiar Interface, Commands & Icons - No Learning Curve
-Open PDF drawing & Edit Entities
-3D Models based on ACIS Kernel for 100% compatibility
-Drawings Audit in Batch Mode (Interactive Mode)
-ActCAD Drawings Converter in Batch Mode (Silent Mode)
-Import Point Data from CSV File
System Requirements:
OS:Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 & 10
Processsor : Any CPU above 2GHz speed
Architecture : 64bit/32bit
RAM:3GB (higher is better)
Hard Disk : 2GB free space
ActCAD Professional 2020 (x64)