商品编号: |
DVDXX14964 |
商品名稱: |
DS CATIA Composer R2020 x64 Multilingual-一款功能強大的3D設計工具,它為開發和部署2D和3D圖像和動畫提供了無與倫比的工具集 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
17262 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
DS CATIA Composer R2020 x64 Multilingual-一款功能強大的3D設計工具,它為開發和部署2D和3D圖像和動畫提供了無與倫比的工具集 |
3DVIA Composer是 3DVIA Composer 解決方案的核心產品。作為一種桌面應用程序,可用於直接從 3D 數字產品數據創建產品文檔內容。3DVIA Composer 是為非 CAD 人員設計的,不需要 CAD 知識或培訓。可以按現有公司標準創建爆炸視圖,並加上標籤和零件序號進行註解。此外,3DVIA Composer 允許創建樣式和智能視圖,後兩者可應用於任何內容以確保視覺效果的一致性。
使用 3DVIA Composer 的內置技術圖解功能可以輕鬆快捷地製作 2D 線條圖。輸出內容包括 3D 動畫以及 JPEG、SVG、CGM 等高分辨率圖像。
3DVIA Sync是一種自動化工具,該工具可關聯 3DVIA Composer 生成的內容與 3DCAD 數據。元數據、幾何圖形或產品結構中的更改可以在 3DVIA Composer 生成的內容中自動進行更新,從而確保文檔的準確性和一致性。
3DVIA Safe是一種加載項實用程序,用戶可用來控制和管理對 3DVIA Composer 生成的內容知識產權的訪問。有了 3DVIA Safe,內容創建者可以在用3DVIA Player 播放內容時管理訪問控制,還可以使用專利技術“Secure 3D Brush”防止對知識產權的複製或盜用。
3DVIA Check是一種加載項實用程序,利用該實用程序,用戶能確保各種操作步驟在現實中得以執行。3DVIA Check 提供動態和靜態碰撞檢測,允許用戶快速檢驗維修和裝配工藝。這樣,可以確保操作員能夠對裝配體中的零部件進行維護或修理。3DVIA Player 是一種免費產品,文件接收者可利用它來查看 3DVIA Composer 生成的文檔。3DVIA Player 的高性能與 3DVIA Composer 沒有什麼兩樣。3DVIA Player 決不只是一個簡單的瀏覽器,文件接收者可用它來獲得與產品文檔高度互動的體驗。此外,3DVIA Player 還能嵌入到 MS Office 應用程序、HTML 和 PDF 中。
ATIA is the World's Leading Solution for Product Design and Experience. It is used by leading organizations in multiple industries to develop the products we see and use in our everyday lives.
CATIA delivers the unique ability not only to model any product, but to do so in the context of its real-life behavior: design in the age of experience. Systems architects, engineers, designers and all contributors can define, imagine and shape the connected world.
CATIA, powered by Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform, delivers:
A Social design environment built on a single source of truth and accessed through powerful 3D dashboards that drive business intelligence, real-time concurrent design and collaboration across all stakeholders including mobile workers.
An Instinctive 3DEXPERIENCE, for both experienced and occasional users with world-class 3D modeling and simulation capabilities that optimize the effectiveness of every user.
An Inclusive product development platform that is easily integrated with existing processes & tools. This enables multiple disciplines to leverage powerful and integrated specialist applications across all phases of the product development process.
CATIA’s Design, Engineering and Systems Engineering applications are the heart of Industry Solution Experiences from Dassault Systèmes to address specific industry needs. This revolutionizes the way organizations conceive, develop and realize new products, delivering competitive edge through innovative customer experiences.
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