WorkNC CAM軟件是世界領先的高效自動化2-5軸CNC編程軟件,作為簡單易用和高性能是WorkNC的顯著特點,WorkNC將易用性、快速計算和刀具路徑的可靠性結為一體,用於加工複雜幾何形狀主要應用在汽車製造、航空航天、模具製造等行業,並且成為被歐洲、美洲、日本、韓國、中國乃至全球的OEM製造廠商和其它行業津津樂道的CAM編程軟件!
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WORKNC CAM software is the premier automatic CNC software for surface or solid models in mold, die and tooling businesses for 2 to 5-axis CNC programming. WORKNC is used by all western, Japanese and Korean automotive makers and well-known OEMs from a range of other industries.
WORKNC is best of breed, complementary CAM software that enhances all design and manufacturing systems by providing the most reliable, efficient, easy-to-program cutter paths, resulting in unmatched productivity and safety.
The latest version of WORKNC – just released by Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence’s Production Software business – continues its focus on customers’ shopfloor productivity, by expanding its exclusive Advanced Toolform technology with the introduction of 5-axis machining for any tool shape.
WORKNC 2020.0 allows for 5-axis tool shapes such as barrels,ovals,parabolic, or any given shape, to be calculated over the part surfaces, including negative offsets (allowances).
“This is the perfect complement for the well-established 3-axis finishing toolpaths,” says WORKNC Brand Manager Miguel Johann. “Also known as circle-segment tools, they revolutionize machining productivity at all levels.
“They bring the benefit of a smoother contact point, resulting in larger stepovers, without compromizing on accessibility, as it keeps the shank diameter relatively small. WORKNC’s Advanced Toolform solution allows for multiple surfaces to be machined at the same time, in CAD models coming from any source, solid or surface based.”
The Wall Machining toolpath also gets a boost by including the Spiral patterns and 2D toolpath compensation. Sharp edges are now protected by a corner smoothing radius and retracts have been optimised to increase productivity and reduce machining time.
“Customers will benefit from performance improvements achieved in this version, specifically on the Waveform roughing toolpath, on Holder and 5-axis Machine Collision checking, and 3D Stock initialization.
Miguel Johann concludes by saying: “Technology is always expanding in all areas of the product. Finishing toolpaths can now handle bottom stock allowances, and the Global Roughing toolpath can now access more difficult regions by allowing miniscule shank approximations. The WORKNC userbase benefits from technology in constant evolution, with the support and investment of Hexagon’s Smart Factory initiative.
System Requirements:
-Operating system:Windows® 7 Pro 64 Bits, Windows® 8.1 Pro 64 Bits, Windows® 10 Pro 64 Bits , Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012 R2 (NT 4, XP and Vista are not supported by WORKNC)
-Processor:Quad Core Intel® Xeon® E5 (4 Cores) Or Intel® Core™ i7-6500U (4 Cores) (Multicore allows to exploit the possibilities of WORKNC)
-Graphics card:Minimum Ram 1GB DDR3, Open/GL 3.3 minimum compatibility(**), Processor Nvidia Quadro recommended
-Hard disk: System disk: 500 GB Disk space 7000 rpm SATA 6.0 GB/s | Data disk: Optional according to the needs of storage (Hard Disk SATA)
-Screen: 19" to 21" Monitor minimum resolution, 1280x1024
-Ram:8 GB DDR3 1600Mhz ECC