商品编号: |
DVDXX16052 |
商品名稱: |
PCmover Enterprise 11.1.1010.355 Multilingual 企業級遷移解決方案 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
14356 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
PCmover Enterprise 11.1.1010.355 Multilingual 企業級遷移解決方案 |
Laplink PCmover Enterprise是一種企業級遷移實用程序,能夠自動將選定的文件,用戶,設置和程序從舊PC移動到新PC。通過網絡傳輸PC或筆記本電腦,Laplink USB電纜,Laplink以太網電纜或使用外部媒體或存儲可以像單擊一樣簡單。具有多個用戶的計算機可以選擇一次傳輸部分或全部用戶,並為每個用戶保留有關文件所有權和訪問控制的安全信息。是管理刷新和部署的最具成本效益的解決方案,即使對於非託管PC,IT管理的遷移也是如此。PCmover Enterprise是第一個也是唯一一個允許IT人員輕鬆自動地將已安裝的軟件,用戶配置文件,設置和數據遷移到新PC而無需任何硬件或操作系統限制並完全控制的工具。使用PCmover Enterprise,設置新PC的任務比以往任何時候都更便宜,更容易,更快速,更合規。PCmover Enterprise使最終用戶能夠在收到新PC後立即恢復工作效率,同時允許IT團隊調整資源以支持其他項目,從而最大限度地提高組織效率。利用PCmover Enterprise將用戶轉移到新的PC或虛擬機,直接從硬盤驅動器或VHD傳輸,或自動執行Windows“就地”升級。對於標準硬件更新,PCmover可以在企業網絡,交叉以太網電纜,Laplink USB電纜或便攜式存儲設備上運行,為自動化端到端流程提供靈活,省時和簡單的解決方案。該版本可以自動完成從舊版Windows到新版本(包括Windows 7,8.1和10)的遷移過程.PCmover Enterprise還支持PC刷新和中斷修復恢複方案。使用完整的企業級可快速實現輕觸(或零觸摸)遷移。
Languages: Multilingual |
PCmover Enterprise is the comprehensive migration solution that allows IT to manage all types of migrations. And, PCmover is the only tool that automatically transfers installed applications, settings, data, and user accounts. PCmover efficiently supports a complete migration process and operating system upgrade.
PCmover Enterprise will save your organization time in a migration, and money-- more than $300 per PC according to independent research. PCmover Enterprise’s light touch system significantly reduces OPEX by minimizing end-user downtime, IT staff resources required, and operational costs like shipping, storage, and third-party services.
Laplink's PCmover Enterprise edition automates the migration process from an older version of Windows to a newer version, including Windows 7, 8.1, and 10. PCmover Enterprise also supports PC refreshes and break-fix recovery scenarios.
PCmover Enterprise includes additional features designed specifically for organizations that require migrations to be in compliance with specific IT policies. The Policy Manager module gives users the ability to configure migrations as needed, and can generate and enforce automated role or department-specific migration requirement policies. Also, PCmover Enterprise can run from a network drive or removable storage device, eliminating the need to install it on any of the PCs involved in the migration.
PCmover Enterprise Features:
• Migrate selected programs, settings, data, user accounts and other "PC Personality" elements to a new PC automatically
• Migrate Via: Network (LAN, WAN), Laplink USB cable, Laplink Ethernet Cable
• Perform In-Place Upgrades
• Restore an old PC image to a new OS
• Run directly from a command line
• Generate migration reports
• Pre-activate licenses for "offline" migrations
• Install and run from a network location, USB thumb-drive or other portable storage device
• Use Policy Manager GUI for easy and complete migration customization
• Enable Access Control features
• Use a Zero-touch migration process – Multiple migrations from a central location
• Customize the User Interface and logos
Release Notes:
What's New:
• NEW! Auto Connect
• NEW! Improved Application Processing
• NEW! Streamlined User Interface
• NEW! Faster Transfer
• NEW! USB 3.0 Support
• User Profile Selectivity
• Undo Feature
• Includes Free Transfer Assistance
System Requirements:
• Windows 10 | 8.1 | 8 | 7 | Vista | XP
• 200 MB of hard disk space