商品编号: |
DVDXX16743 |
商品名稱: |
CSI Bridge v21.1.0 x64 集成了橋樑結構的建模、分析和設計,是一個無比強大的工程軟件工具 |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
100 |
瀏覽次數: |
13802 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
CSI Bridge v21.1.0 x64 集成了橋樑結構的建模、分析和設計,是一個無比強大的工程軟件工具 |
CSI Bridge v21.1.0 新版發佈!
CSi Bridge集成了橋樑結構的建模、分析和設計,是一個無比強大的工程軟件工具。所有的任務都能方便快捷地實現,使得CSiBridge成為當今市場上最通用和最具生產效率的軟件產品。
在CSiBridge設計包裡完全集成了SAPFire®分析引擎,包括施工順序、徐變和收縮分析、索張拉到目標力、起拱和找形、幾何非線性(P-delta和大位移)、材料非線性(上部結構、支座、下部結構和地基土支座)、屈曲、靜力和動力分析等。所有這些應用到單一的複雜模型。而且,還包括了AASHTO LRFD和中國橋樑設計規範,可以進行自動荷載組合、上部結構設計和抗震設計。
CSI Bridge version 21.1.0 |
Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI) is pleased to announce the availability of Bridge version 21.1.0. New enhancements have been implemented in latest update related to Bridge Modeling, Analysis and Bridge Design.
CSiBridge 21.1.0 Enhancements - Release Date: 22 Aug 2019:
Bridge Modeler
Quick bridge template enhanced to remember previous settings and provide additional options when creating a new bridge model
Bridge modeler can now generate multiple pairs of braces for steel cross-frames
Bridge modeler now allows detailed definition of foundations at the bottom of bent columns, including soil springs
Analysis can now run multiple load cases in parallel. This is particularly efficient for considering large suites of earthquakes in Performance-Based Design.
Bridge Design
Concrete superstructure design according to the Indian IRC-2011 code for flat slab and T-beam bridge sections
Concrete superstructure design according to the Indian IRC-2011 code now calculates the required reinforcement quantity.
Detailed reports for CAN/CSA S6 steel I-girder bridge strength design requests
Detailed reports for AASHTO steel U-girder bridge strength and service design and rating requests
Faster display of results from modal time-history load cases, including FNA, for large models with many modes.
CSiBridge is specialized analysis and design software tailored for the engineering of bridge systems. Suspension, cable-stay, elevated-roadway, and other types of bridge systems may be modeled and designed to suit any one of a variety of purposes, including means for crossing water, linking points between shear terrain, or extending over highway infrastructure. Customized controls and features integrate across a powerful object-based modeling environment to offer an intuitive, practical, and productive computational tool for bridge engineering. Advanced modeling features and sophisticated analysis techniques account for dynamic effects, inelastic behavior, and geometric nonlinearity. Code-based templates streamline the engineering process from model definition through analysis, design optimization, and the generation of comprehensive output reports. CSiBridge is the premier software for bridge engineering.
CSiBridge - 11 Modeling using Staged Construction
Founded in 1975, Computers and Structures, Inc. (CSI) is recognized globally as the pioneering leader in software tools for structural and earthquake engineering. Software from CSI is used by thousands of engineering firms in over 160 countries for the design of major projects, including the Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan, One World Trade Center in New York, the 2008 Olympics Birds Nest Stadium in Beijing and the cable-stayed Centenario Bridge over the Panama Canal. CSI's software is backed by more than three decades of research and development, making it the trusted choice of sophisticated design professionals everywhere.
CSI Bridge version 21.1.0
Product: CSI Bridge
Version: 21.1.0 Advanced w/Rating
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.csiamerica.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *