SynthMaster One 搭载了与获奖无数的大哥 SynthMaster 一样的声音引擎,但拥有更加给力的波表功能。对于那些 “波表粉” 来说,SynthMaster One 简单直观的界面,丰富的波表内容,还有充满启发性的预设 —— 来自世界知名声音设计团队,包括Arksun, Bülent Biyikoglu, Gerçek Dorman, Ufuk Kevser, Rob Lee, Vorpal Sound, Xenos Soundworks 和 Aiyn Zahev。
作为一款真正的波表合成器,SynthMaster One 拥有新的声音设计可能。区别于只能加载 16 个波形来产生波表的 SynthMaster,SynthMaster One 可以直接读取文件中的波表,并且用户可以直接在波表库中加入自己的波表。除此之外 SynthMaster One 的两个振荡器拥有 17 种不同的算法,可以通过 TONE 和 PHASE 参数控制,以此来塑造振荡器的波表。
SynthMaster One 采用了半模块化的设计,通过最直观的方式进行呈现。SynthMaster One 拥有两个振荡器,附带子振荡器(Sub1 和 Sub2),两个滤波器,4 个 ADSR 包括,两个 LFO 以及一个 16 步进的琶音器/音序器(每个步进拥有自己的力度、音符数量、音符长度、滑音、延音控制),还有 11 个不同类型的效果器 —— 失真、LoFi、合唱、移相器、6 频段 EQ、压缩器、声码器、延迟、合声、颤音、混响,总共有 6 个效果器插槽可以使用。
除了 12 个预制的动态调制矩阵可以让你的声音设计变得更加容易,全新的动态调制可以让你简单通过拖放来映射想要控制的参数到控制旋钮上。 SynthMaster One 总共拥有 24 个动态调制矩阵,总共可以映射 24 个参数源以及 234 个控制目标。除此之外 它的滤波器也拥有 4 种不同的算法,并且都使用了 0 延迟技术。
SynthMaster One is an easy to use wavetable synthesizer with an intuitive workflow. Although it shares the same engine with its bigger brother SynthMaster, it comes with new features like wavetable synthesis. With its simple layout, rich wavetable/waveform content and inspiring factory presets library, designing new sounds with SynthMaster One is a real joy. Watch our videos, listen to the audio demos and you'll see how easy it is to design sounds with this synth.
- Cross-platform VST and AU: SynthMaster One runs as a VST instrument on both Windows and Mac OSX, and also as an Audio Unit instrument on Mac OSX. On Windows, it runs as a standalone application as well.
- 800 Factory Presets: SynthMaster One comes with 800 inspiring factory presets from a world class team of sound designers: Arksun, Aiyn Zahev, Bulent Biyikoglu, Gercek Dorman, Nori Ubukata, Rob Lee, Ufuk Kevser, Selcuk Ergen, Vandalism, Vorpal Sound and Xenos Soundworks
- Semi-Modular Architecture: For each SynthMaster One instance, there are 2 oscillators with 2 sub oscillators, 2 Filters, 4 ADSR Envelopes, 2 LFOs, a powerful 16 step arpeggiator/sequencer and also 11 different efffects that can be inserted on to 6 FX insert slots. The sub oscillators can be connected to the oscillators in 5 different modes which let you use it as a regular sub oscillator or do complex modulations such as ring modulation, amplitude modulation, phase modulation or frequency modulation.
- 16 Step Arpeggiator/Sequencer: The arpeggiator in SynthMaster One features classic arpeggiator modes such as Up, Down, UpDown, DownUp, UpDown2, DownUp2, AsPlayed as well as Sequence, Chord and Arpeggiate modes. Each of the 16 steps of the arpeggiator has its own Velocity, Note Number, Note Length, Slide and Hold parameters.
- Wavetable Synthesis: SynthMaster One implements true wavetable synthesis which opens up new possibilities for sound design. Unlike SynthMaster where you can sequence up to 16 waveforms to create a wavetable, you can import wave files that contain wavetables into SynthMaster One and use them in your projects. SynthMaster One comes with a rich wavetable library and you can extend that by placing wavetables under the Waveforms folder of SynthMaster One.
- Stereo Oscillators with up to 16 voices Unison: Each of the 2 oscillators in SynthMaster One have stereo output, and can have up to 16 voices "unison". Using the "voices", "voices mix", "detune curve", "detune spread", "pan stread", "tone spread" and "phase spread" parameters, each oscillator can generate a rich "supersaw" type sound.
- Zero Delay Feedback Filters: All of the 4 filter categories in SynthMaster One are developed using the zero delay feedback filter technology. With advanced filter parameters like input gain, drive and acid, you can get that "analog" sound from the filters!
- Rich Set of Effects: SynthMaster features 11 different effect types: Distortion, LoFi, Ensemble, Phaser, 6 Band EQ, Compressor, Vocoder, Delay, Chorus, Tremolo, Reverb.
- Microtuning: SynthMaster supports Scala tuning, so tuning can be set either for each preset or globally by loading from a Scala tuning file.
- Preset Browser: SynthMaster features a comprehensive preset browser with separate search criterias for instrument type, preset attributes, music style or preset author.
- Importing MIDI patterns as Arpeggiator Sequence: Monophonic or even polyphonic (chord) MIDI patterns can be imported into the arpeggiators in SynthMaster by just drag and drop of the MIDI file onto the arpeggiator view on the plugin window.
Whats New:
1. NEW: Users can now import presets in arbirary folders by dragging and dropping preset files on to the preset dropdown control
2. FIX: Layer discrete parameters are initialized before synth discrete parameters causing crash in some cases
3. FIX: When an product image doesn't exist, product image view crashes SynthMaster One
4. FIX: 2 of BT presets generate "Missing waveforms" warning, and their author is incorrectly set to Brian Transeau
5. FIX: Bypass parameter of oscillators/filters don't work correctly
6. FIX: Edited Satyatunes White & Blue skins to work correctly on MacOS
7. FIX: Synthmaster 2.9 Academic product image is missing in Prototype, Blue, White skins
8. FIX: Arp Volume knob is incorrectly mapped to Arp Swing parameter
9. FIX: When a search criteria is entered into preset search text field, and plugin window reopened, the text field show empty criteria
10.FIX: Suboscillator pitch is not calculated correctly
11.FIX: Dragging and dropping wave files onto oscillators don't work correctly
Platform: Win32/64; AAX*, VSTi, SAL