NEXUS服務器端的數據管理,流程管理和協同能力等各功能都被安全地在雲中託管,簡化了安裝和設置操作步驟,降低了您的PCB設計系統的維護成本。 PCB設計功能是在更傳統的桌面客戶端中提供的,該客戶端連接到NEXUS雲服務,從而優化圖形和I / O密集型PCB設計環境中應用程序的響應速度。
NEXUS流程管理器為常用工作流程提供了一套預定義的模板,包括項目初始化,元件請求和設計評審。 這些流程可以按原樣使用,也可以使用可視化流程編輯器輕鬆修改以適應您獨特的工作流程。 新的工作流程也可以通過簡單易用的“拖放”方法從頭開始構建。
NEXUS包含一個具有標準內容的可配置元件庫。 輕鬆添加或導入您自己的元件,封裝,原理圖符號和模型,以構建可在工作組,團隊或整個公司之間共享的通用元件庫,並實現基於用戶和角色的訪問控制。
NEXUS為涉及到多人的組織和項目打造了創造力和控制力的完美平衡。 NEXUS內置了可配置的設計發佈流程,確保在將PCB設計發佈給組織的其他部門之前,完成相應適當的審查,批准和設計檢查。
Altium Designer兼容性
NEXUS和Altium Designer的設計是100%兼容的,所以它們可以信心十足地在內部和外部協作者之間共享。 而且,NEXUS具有“數據保險庫兼容模式”,可讓您現有的Altium Vault服務器與NEXUS客戶端無縫連接。
NEXUS包含PTC Creo和Solidworks的連接器。 結合Altium業界領先的NATIVE 3D設計技術,與MCAD設計師可實現無縫而便捷的協作。 這使機械和電子設計人員能夠協同工作,確保電子功能與機械匹配協調一致,從而減少由於“隔牆溝通不便”而導致的重複設計。
NEXUS可以將設計內容發佈到Arena PLM和PTC Windchill,連接到涉及非工程技術人員的企業工作流程,並輕鬆適應您的產品開發基礎架構。
NEXUS的基於網絡的標記和評論功能為團隊中的每個人提供了輕鬆便捷的平台,以便對於設計意圖及具體細節提出問題或發表見解。 無需繁瑣的下載或安裝,也無需學習PCB工具 - 此功能可在任何Web瀏覽器中使用。
Altium Nexus 3.0.9 build 80 |
The Altium product team is pleased to announce the availability of NEXUS 3.0.9 build 80. This latest update continues to deliver new features and enhancements to the software's core technologies, while also addressing many issues raised by customers through the AltiumLive Community's BugCrunch system.
Altium NEXUS is an easy to implement, team-based PCB workflow solution designed to provide the transparency needed for engineering teams to collaborate with confidence. Even though Altium NEXUS includes all the various industry leading PCB domain editors required to create a circuit board, its core DNA is enabling design teams to work together.
Design collaboration is enabled through user roles and managed data (library and design), while providing process automation and a framework to configure common electronic design activities and workflows. This provides organizational transparency to design data changes and workflow states through role based notification. By using Altium NEXUS, companies will have the ability to manage their PCB data, improve communication as it relates to multidisciplinary engineering, and configure and automate workflows replacing existing manual processes - resulting in the reduction of design respins and delivery of higher quality products in a shorter period of time.
Altium NEXUS introduces new technology in PCB data management, design collaboration, and process and workflow control, making it the most comprehensive circuit board design solution, while taking the risk out of integration and deployment. Altium NEXUS includes server technology to support collaboration, process management, and data management, hosted either on-premise (same as Altium Vault), or cloud (option not available previously) environments. The core schematic and PCB design technology of Altium NEXUS is identical to that of Altium Designer 18.0, sharing 100% of the design capabilities - now and always.
In 2009, Altium embarked upon an ambitious plan to transition the design work to the manufacturing process seamlessly through a consistent workflow with real-time component information. They recognized that this process had to be repeatable, accountable, and traceable. Released in 2011, it became known as “The Vault.”
With changes to the name, the functionality, and the various offerings over the years, it’s been difficult to understand what exactly is NEXUS or Concord Pro. Is it a library database? Is it a repository? Is it a version control system? In short – it’s all of them.
Altium LLC. is a multinational software corporation headquartered in San Diego, California, that focuses on electronics design systems for 3D PCB design and embedded system development. Altium products are found everywhere from world leading electronic design teams to the grassroots electronic design community. Founded in 1985, Altium has offices worldwide, with US locations in San Diego, Boston and New York City, European locations in Karlsruhe, Amersfoort, Kiev, Munich, Markelo and Zug, and Asia Pacific locations in Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney.
Altium Nexus 3.0.9 build 80
Product: Altium Nexus
Version: 3.0.9 build 80
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.altium.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *