天線寶寶(teletubbies)節目是全球著名的電視媒體BBC(英國)推出的兒童欄目。 在英國,天線寶寶是家喻戶曉的明星娃娃,不論大街小巷,小朋友們都在模仿天線寶寶的動作、說天線寶寶兒語和唱天線寶寶的兒歌,就連美國也造成相當的轟動,上個月,美國ABC News才針對天線寶寶做一系列的報導和研討,事實上,天線寶寶在英國播出只不過一年,就引發觀眾極大的迴響,在英國可說是兒童節目的一大盛事;相對的,在美國PBS已播出近三十年而歷久不衰的「Sesame Street」與英國BBC的「天線寶寶」均為幼兒節目,但兩者的節目風格卻大異其趣,「天線寶寶」的內容極為簡單、安全,而「Sesame Street」則放入很多的訊息。另外,在發展中國家,例如非洲地區,由於缺乏製作費,需仰賴許多國外進口的節目,但也沒有一部能像天線寶寶播出的效果這麼好,令當地小朋友著迷。 “天線寶寶”是1996年Ragdool公司與英國BBC簽約製作的260集、每集30分鐘的低幼節目,主要的收視對像是從12個月大到5歲的孩子。它呈現孩子們在遊戲中學習、發展的有趣經驗。天線寶寶家族由4個可愛的天線寶寶和一個太陽娃娃組成。四個可愛的天線寶寶生活在寶寶樂園裡,每天都發生著許多有趣的故事。他們的故事已經在113個國家被翻譯成45種語言,受到全球約十億兒童的喜愛。 [天線寶寶小檔案] : 丁丁(TINKY WINKY)、迪西(DIPSY)、拉拉(LAA-LAA)、波(Po) 丁丁(藍色)是個子最高也是最紳士的天線寶寶,到外面散步時,喜歡唱他的丁丁歌。丁丁喜歡跳舞和打滾,最喜歡的東西是一個紅色的手提包。他喜歡所有的天線寶寶,但和小波是最好的朋友。 迪西(綠色)個子第二高,喜歡戴帽子,還是個綠帽子(嘿嘿)。因為覺得這樣很有型,風格對迪西來說可是很重要的事情。迪西有他自己獨特的舞步和打招呼方式。他很愛其他的天線寶寶,但總刻意和其他人保持距離,因為想要裝酷。他喜歡唱“Bup-a-tum,bup-a-tum” 拉拉(黃色)是最快樂、最愛笑的天線寶寶。拉拉喜歡唱歌、蹦蹦跳,最常講的字就是“好慘”。拉拉很喜歡一個橘色的球,常帶著它到外面跑、跳、追逐等。想事情時的她姿態很像企鵝,她總是要知道其他的天線寶寶在哪裡,任何一個不見了她就會急著尋找。迪西是她的好朋友,她喜歡唱“啦啦餵,啦啦餵”。 小波(紅色)是最矮的天線寶寶。她喜歡跳上跳下來表達自己快樂、熱情及驚喜的心情。她常騎著滑板車在山坡上飛馳,還有盯著屋子中央那顆柱上的按鈕和遙控器。小波喜歡的歌是“斐點、斐點、斐點”,是廣東話“快點、快點、快點”或“慢點、慢點、慢點”的意思。 [天線寶寶小遊戲]: 第01款天線寶寶滑雪:原先本站介紹過一個天線寶寶滑草地一樣的,只不過這次滑雪,分兩種難度,操作:鼠標點擊出現的左右方向箭頭 第02款天線寶寶樂園之趕兔子:移動鼠標即可 第03款我的天線寶寶家園:讓孩子自由創建天線寶寶的家園 第04款天線寶寶樂園塗色:給天線寶寶的家園塗上顏色,發揮你的想像力,讓天線寶寶居住在一個漂亮的家園裡! 第05款天線寶寶的傳音筒:三個傳音筒冒了出來,分別點擊看看他們在說什麼?對,有的還再唱好聽的歌。 第06款天線寶寶喜愛的東西:將4個天線寶寶喜愛的物品放到他們的身邊去。 第07款天線寶寶給動物找伴:很好玩的鍛煉天線寶寶系列遊戲之一,共以前介紹的那個天線寶寶閱兵動物遊戲差不多,但是這個是配對的,找出一樣的動物,老虎、長頸鹿、 蝴蝶等等。 第08款與天線寶寶捉迷藏:天線寶寶們都藏了起來,你來找找他們吧。 第09款幫天線寶寶找他們喜愛的東西:突然一陣狂風,將天線寶寶的東西刮到了天上,你來幫他們分別找到它們各自喜歡的東西吧 第10款天線寶寶拉拉的故事書:讓天線寶寶拉拉來教你英文。 【天線寶寶節目和教育哲學】 第一部分:節目概要 "The first rule is go straight for the comedy - if it isn't funny, it isn't Teletubbies" Andrew Davenport, Co-creator and writer of Teletubbies “節目的第一準則就是喜劇——如果沒有趣味性,那就不是天線寶寶。” ——安德魯·達文波特,天線寶寶共同創作者 "Children, especially little children, live in the same world as the rest of us but perceive it differently. So the most important thing any adult can do for a child is to listen to them and try to understand them. Children love to be listened to - so when Andrew Davenport and I created Teletubbies together, we spent a lot of time observing and listening to children. We tried to find our own way back to feeling how we had felt as children and also shared what we had learned about their different perceptions. Along the way, we realized that the difference between an adult agenda and a child's agenda can often be very funny, so we had a lot of fun - and placed the notion of fun at the heart of the program. "Young children also love to experiment, testing their experience by doing things again and again. Repeatedly emptying out the cupboard may be frustrating from a tidy adult's point of view, but as long as a child finds it fascinating they are learning about shapes and sizes , what fits, what doesn't. This is why Tinky Winky has a bag and loves to put things in it. Andrew and I often say babies understand Teletubbies and Teletubbies understand babies. This is because our program is designed to be a 'conversation' - with enough time provided for our audience to respond before moving the action forward. If you watch Teletubbies by yourself you only get half of this conversation. But if you are lucky enough to be watching with a small child they provide the other half. Please try to take the time to watch your child watching the program and see what holds their attention. Being willing to share in our children's understanding instead of imposing our own is the first step towards fostering creativity in them". Anne Wood, Co-creator of Teletubbies and Creative Director, Ragdoll “孩子,特別是年齡較小的孩子,生活在與我們周遭一模一樣的世界裡,但是他們的感知不同。因此,作為一個成人,為孩子做的最重要的一件事就是傾聽他們和理解他們。孩子們喜歡被傾聽——因此,當我和安德魯一起創作天線寶寶的時候,我們花費了相當多的時間觀察和傾聽孩子,我們試圖找出自己以前的感覺,怎樣才能像一個孩子般感覺周邊,同時我們也分享我們從孩子不同的感知觀點中所學到的東西。沿著這個思路,我們發現成人與兒童思考模式上存在的不同其實非常有趣,因此我們也樂在其中——並將趣味(樂趣)作為節目的中心基調。” “小孩子還喜歡嘗試,通過一遍又一遍做相同的事情來檢驗他們的經驗。一而再,再而三的將杯子裡的東西倒騰出來也許從一個愛整潔的成人眼裡是使他灰心的事情,但久而久之,孩子們著迷的做這些事情的時候,他們已經學會了形狀和大小,什麼是適合的,什麼不是。這就是丁丁為什麼有一個大袋子並且喜歡把什麼東西都往裡放的原因。” “安德魯和我經常說,孩子們理解天線寶寶,天線寶寶也理解孩子們。這是因為我們節目所設計的'對話'——我們不會將場景往前發展,而是預留了足夠的時間直至孩子們作出反應。如果你獨自觀看天線寶寶,你將只能看到這其中一半的'對話',但是如果你夠幸運的能夠和一個孩子一起觀看天線寶寶,你將會從他那得到另外一半的'對話'”。 “請擠出時間和你的孩子一起觀看天線寶寶,並觀察是什麼抓住了孩子的吸引力。拋棄我們固有的思維模式,而嘗試用孩子的思維方式去理解是培養孩子創造力的第一步。” ——安·伍德。天線寶寶共同創作者,碎布娃娃公司。 Teletubbies is a celebration of children's play. This series introduces young children - ages one to three - to the wonders and magic of high-tech in a safe and friendly way. Each program features the Teletubbies in Teletubbyland, which hums with the play technology that supplies their every need - Tubby toast, Tubby custard and a conscientious comic vacuum cleaner, the Noo-noo. The Teletubbies' tummies become TV screens that light up, bringing them pictures of happy children from the real world because, next to each other, the Teletubbies love children best of all. In January 2003, a new addition called 'Teletubbies Everywhere' was introduced which focused on early learning concepts. These 10-minute segments feature the Teletubbies in a visually unique, studio-based environment, combining the irresistible humor of the original with a series of simple games, counting exercises, musical patterns and rhythms specially designed to develop children's cognitive skills. Each episode showcases a live-action insert of children from around the world including Russia, South Korea and India. Teletubbies is a responsible, enjoyable half-hour where our youngest viewers find their place: a playful, imaginative world inhabited by gentle, loving characters exploring and experiencing everything around them. The series is also a wonderful opportunity for parents to share the joy of first discovery through children's eyes. 天線寶寶節目是孩子們玩耍的盛典。這個系列節目用一種友善的方式為0-3歲孩子介紹了神奇美麗的高科技。 每一集描寫的都是天線寶寶在天線寶寶國度裡,高科技提供給他們所需要的一切——烤麵包機,奶昔機和一個盡職的滑稽的真空洗塵器——努努。當天線寶寶肚子前面的屏幕亮起來時,將會帶來真實世界裡孩子們生活的畫面,天線寶寶最喜歡這些孩子們。 2003年一月,一個將早期學習概念作為重點的新的劇情系列“天線寶寶無所不在”推出了。這個新的10分鐘一集的劇情描述的天線寶寶生活在一個看上去奇特的,如工作室一般的環境裡。結合了有趣的幽默,計算練習和悅耳的音樂節奏,特別為發展孩子的感官技巧而設計。每一集都將生活在真實世界中的孩子們插入到劇情中,他們來自世界各地,如俄羅斯,韓國和印度等。 天線寶寶節目讓小觀眾們享受到一個可信任的、有趣的半小時:在一個好玩的,充滿想像力的世界里居住著彬彬有禮的和可愛主角,每天探索和體會周圍所發生的一切。這個系列也是讓家長學會通過孩子的眼睛發現事物的極佳機會。 第二部分:教育哲學 "I want children to smile. 我喜歡小孩子笑。 It they are smiling, they will be relaxed. 如果他們笑了,就代表他們放鬆了; If they are relaxed they will be confident. 如果他們放鬆了,就代表他們更有自信了; If they are confident, they will dare to be curious. 如果他們自信了,他們就會敢於好奇; If they are curious, they will grow in understanding." 如果他們非常好奇,那他們就將在理解中成長。 Anne Wood, Co-Creator of Teletubbies and Creative Director, Ragdoll Anne Wood 碎布娃娃公司的奠基者和創作總監 Teletubbies is crafted with the understanding that little children watch television in a radically different way than older children and grown-ups. The program makes liberal use of repetition, large movement, bright colors and deliberate pace to nurture the development of imagination, thinking and listening skills. The stories are structured so that the child is able to stay one step ahead of the Teletubbies, encouraging emerging abilities of prediction and visualization and, most vitally, developing confidence and self-esteem. Extensive research, including the use of ongoing focus groups, has guided the development of the series. Teletubbies provides a new generation of television viewers - the youngest and most impressionable - with the opportunity to feel safe in and enjoy the ever-changing world. This unique series is designed to recognize and provide programming for an audience that truly deserves something very carefully developed . 天線寶寶節目掌握了低齡孩子觀看電視採用的是完全不同於大孩子和成人的方式的訣竅。節目大量採用重複,大動作,鮮亮的顏色和緩慢的故事情節,使孩子們能非常自然的發展他們的想像力,思考能力和聽的技能。劇情的結構安排相似,孩子們可以提前一步預告出天線寶寶的動作,從而鼓勵他們的預想能力和記憶能力,更為關鍵的是,準確的預告培養了孩子們的自信和自尊。 天線寶寶節目為最年輕和最敏感的新一代的電視小觀眾提供了一個去感受安全和不斷變化世界的機會。這個特別的系列節目專為這樣一些需要精心培育的觀眾而設計。 Here are some ways Teletubbies enriches the learning experiences of young children · Uses Comedy to Stimulate Thinking When a child laughs at Teletubbies, you can be sure that he or she is following the story and, more importantly, making sense of what is happening on-screen. · Encourages Speech The Teletubbies' speech is based on the first words of children aged one year to 18 months. Response testing shows that children treat the Teletubbies a little bit like younger siblings, calling out to correct them or telling them what to do. · Encourages Listening Teletubbies "stop and listen" whenever they hear the narrator. When a voice trumpet appears the Teletubbies focus all of their attention on it, drawing the child to listen to a special story, rhyme or sound. · Teaches through Repetition In Teletubbyland, things happen again and again, giving a child time to discover patterns of cause and effect, allowing a child to anticipate what will happen next. · Promotes Affection Teletubbies love each other very much. They love big hugs best of all. · Increases Confidence The pacing and repetition of Teletubbies engages children in practicing fundamental skills and concepts again and again. Successfully anticipating what comes next, predicting, is an important aspect of building a sense of "I can do it!" · Builds Self-Esteem Children are more engaged by programs in which they can see themselves, whether by identifying with characters or with a situation. In Teletubbies, the inserts of real children doing real things allow young viewers to see children like themselves in a variety of experiences and situations. · Encourages Movement Teletubbies love to dance, jump, stretch, roll and run. Watching them is not a passive activity - children like to join in. Teletubbies helps to promote body awareness and encourages children to participate in active play. · Celebrates Individuality Even though the Teletubbies share in the fun together, they have strong and different individual identities. Young children see that it's acceptable to be different and have separate interests from the crowd. 以下是天線寶寶節目促使孩子學習的方法: 使用喜劇的方法激發孩子思考 當孩子們看著天線寶寶發笑時,你就能確定他們已經在跟著故事情節走了,更重要的是他們對屏幕上發生的有了意識。 鼓勵說話 天線寶寶的語言是基於12-18個月孩子的第一個單詞。反應測試顯示,孩子們對待天線寶寶就像對待他們的兄妹一樣。不時糾正他們犯的錯誤並告訴他們該怎麼做。 鼓勵傾聽 天線寶寶節目“停止和聽”環節,當喇叭出現的時候,天線寶寶都會停下來把所有的注意力放在聽上面。這樣使得孩子們也一起聽故事,旋律和聲音。 通過反复的方法來教授 在天線寶寶的國度裡,事情一遍又一遍的重複發生。並留有充裕的時間讓孩子們去思考事情的因與果。允許孩子們去預測將會發生什麼。 提倡關愛 天線寶寶之間非常友愛。他們最喜歡的就是大大的擁抱。 增加自信 天線寶寶節目的步調和反復能使孩子們一遍遍鍛煉他們的基礎技能和概念。能準確成功的預測下一步發生什麼可極為重要的建立一種“我能做到”的自信。 建立自尊 孩子們深入節目能在其中找到他們自己,無論是通過辨別角色還是場景。在節目中插入的真實世界裡的孩子們做真正的事情,能使小觀眾們看到和自己一樣的孩子們正在做的事和環境。 鼓勵運動 天線寶寶喜歡舞蹈,跳躍,拉伸,滾動和奔跑。觀看節目也不是一種被動的行為,孩子們喜歡加入到天線寶寶隊伍裡來,這就幫助孩子們增強了身體認知,鼓勵他們加入到遊戲中。 提倡個性 儘管天線寶寶在一起分享快樂,但是他們各自都擁有顯著的不同的性格特點,小觀眾們能接受他們的不同和獨立的興趣。