Fusion Studio 8是一款將頂尖動態圖形和高端視覺特效合成會聚於一身的強大軟件。除了其先進的合成工具之外,Fusion 8還包含了全面的繪圖、動態遮罩、摳像、圖層疊加以及字幕工具等,並結合了高效能的粒子生成系統。它能從其他程序中導入幾何數據,並創建自己的元素,比如文本和粒子等信息。所有元素均可相互合成,並通過Fusion的GPU加速渲染引擎快速輸出。它可將多個渲染文件合併到一個項目中,用於渲染同一個場景中的不同對象。Fusion 8絕不僅僅是簡單的圖層疊加,它有著一整套創意工具,可在其3D系統中創建物體和場景元素,這套強大的系統能處理數百萬Polygon多邊形,可實現無比複雜的立體建模成型。
Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio 8.2 MacOSX註冊版-高端視覺特效合成
Fusion Studio 已經使用超過1000主要好萊塢大片電影!Fusion Studio主要功能:一個簡單而強大的基於節點的接口,這樣你就可以構建複雜的效果只需連接不同類型的處理。這是超級簡單,極快!你得到一個巨大的範圍包括功能和效果,所以您可以創建令人興奮的廣播圖形,電視廣告,戲劇性標題序列甚至主要電影視覺效果!
Fusion 是好萊塢首屈一指的視覺特效合成及動態圖形工具,數以千計的影視作品都是由它完成。Fusion 7還為《沉睡魔咒》、《明日邊緣》、《罪惡之城2》、《超凡蜘蛛俠2》、《美國隊長》以及《地心引力》等著名電影完成了特效製作。適用於視覺效果藝術家、廣播和運動平面設計師和3 d動畫師等人員。
Blackmagic Design Fusion Studio 8.2 MacOSX註冊版-高端視覺特效合成
2014年9月12日,IBC 2014,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹:Blackmagic Design 宣佈收購知名軟件開發商eyeon Software, Inc.公司。該公司專門為電影長片、電視廣告以及廣電播出機構提供高端數字合成、視覺特效、動態圖像等服務。eyeon總部位於加拿大的多倫多,如今已是Blackmagic Design的全資子公司。(註:強大的達芬奇調色軟件也在這個公司)
大名鼎鼎的調色軟件達芬奇大家都知道,而達芬奇的東家就是Blackmagic Design,一旦Fusion被收購,那麼之後的Fusion 8,Fusion 9…將會被眾人期盼。也許之後的Fusion會有很大的變化。也許達芬奇的調色理念也會融入Fusion中,Eyeon公司算是完成了它騰飛的第一步,讓我們共同期待新的Fusion吧。
Hollywood's Biggest Blockbusters
Thousands of Hollywood's biggest blockbusters and hit television shows use Fusion to create their groundbreaking visual effects. Fusion has been used on feature films like Thor, The Amazing Spiderman 2, and The Hunger Games, as well as hit television shows like Orphan Black, Breaking Bad, Grimm, Adventure Time, Downton Abbey and the Emmy award winning Battlestar Galactica.
Nodes, A Better Way to Work!
Fusion uses nodes which are small icons that represent effects, filters and other processing which can be connected together to easily build up larger and more complex visual effects. Because nodes are easy to see and connect together, you can combine tools, images, and objects in any order to create unlimited visual effects. Nodes make it easy to adjust any single part of your project simply by clicking on the node and making an adjustment. That's much faster than a timeline based tool such as an NLE because you don't need to hunt through nested stacks of confusing layers.
Simply More Features
Whether you need to pull a key, track objects, retouch images, animate titles, or create amazing particle effects, Fusion has a massive toolset that lets you tackle the most demanding visual effects and motion graphics jobs. You get the world's best 3D workspace along with tools for compositing, keying, painting, animation, stereoscopic 3D and more, all in a single application!
GPU Accelerated Creative Workflow
Fusion is an extremely fast visual effects software tool that's responsive enough to be used in high pressure, client driven sessions. With its GPU acceleration, you get instant feedback while you work so you can see exactly what you're doing. Whether you're working alone or with a client, Fusion gives you the real time control you need so you can spend more time being creative and less time waiting.
Unlimited Render Power
Fusion has the world's fastest production quality render engine! You can distribute your render jobs across an unlimited number of networked computers for incredible performance! That means you can render complex scenes incredibly fast to meet the intense deadlines of production, without having to sacrifice creativity or quality.
Collaborate with Large Teams
When you're working with a large creative team, Fusion Studio also includes Generation, multi user management software. Generation is an amazing collaboration tool that helps you manage and track versions of every shot in your studio. You can assign tasks to artists, make notes, and see each team member's workload to help balance the work and finish projects faster. Fusion Studio also features a bin server to let everyone share and see common assets that are needed for the job. That means you don't have to copy and track multiple elements on different computers.
True 3D Compositing
Combine live action with 3D models, cameras, lights and more in a true 3D workspace to create amazing, photorealistic effects and motion graphics.