商品编号: |
macos0694 |
商品名稱: |
TokenLock 4.70 MacOSX |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
200 |
瀏覽次數: |
21294 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
TokenLock 4.70 MacOSX |
TokenLock for Mac是一款擁有超級多選項功能的專業級藍牙/ USB /熱鍵鎖定和解鎖工具,目前市面上還沒有哪款同類APP擁有它的競爭優勢。
TokenLock能監控你的手機,任何藍牙設備,任何USB設備或您的蘋果IR遙控器。當他們被斷開或超出您的Mac鎖定範圍 。它也可以解鎖你的Mac在重新連接時,或者回來的範圍。
與其他同類軟件不同, TokenLock還可以解鎖你的屏幕保護程序或自動輸入密碼將您的Mac從睡眠中喚醒 - 只要在你的設備連接或範圍內。
TokenLock 4x Retail | MacOSX | 3 Mb
Professional Grade Bluetooth/USB/HotKey locking and unlocking for your Mac... with tons of options that "blow away the competition". TokenLock monitors your phone, any bluetooth device, any USB device or your Apple IR Remote. When they are disconnected or out of range it locks your Mac. It can also unlock your Mac when they are reconnected or come back in range.
Other features not available anywhere else:
Run any App, Shell script or AppleScript when locking or unlocking. The possibilities are limitless - log out of your IM client. Stop music playback. Send yourself a message and more.
Safe Networks: Avoid locking on certain WiFi networks
Sleep Aware: When TokenLock is locked it can allow both Screen Saver and sleeping.
Customizable lock screens, messages and backgrounds.
USB Options:
Check device serial numbers for lock/unlock.
Active checking when starting up to make sure the device is present, otherwise lock the computer.
USB Grace period gives you time to quickly swap USB ports if necessary.
Relock will re-lock if someone manually unlocked your computer without inserting the USB device.
Bluetooth Options:
Different check interval for battery or AC modes.
Adjustable timeout for finding the bluetooth device.
Adjustable number of connection attempts.
General Options:
Stealth mode: Completely hide Tokenlock and it's Menu Bar icon.
Option to have TokenLock confirm locking when clicking the Dock Icon.
Warning beep (adjustable volume) when Bluetooth device is not in range, before locking.
USB device insertion/removal sounds (adjustable volume)
Unlock/Lock chirps (adjustable volume)
Compatibility: OS X 10.6 or later, 64-bit processor
Home Page - http://www.map-pin.com/tokenlock-home/