商品编号: |
sys0993 |
商品名稱: |
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate Multilingual |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
200 |
瀏覽次數: |
38106 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate Multilingual |
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 是 iObit 公司推出的一款系統優化軟件,能一鍵優化系統,清理垃圾文件,令你的舊電腦就像新買的一樣。同時這個版本還附帶了基於 Bitdefender 引擎的殺毒系統,可以為你系統中的可疑文件進行查殺,確保你的系統安全。
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 包含Advanced SystemCare專業版的全部功能外增加了木馬查殺、病毒防護等安全模塊。更快速的一鍵優化系統,清理垃圾文件,實時保護您的PC免受病毒攻擊,令你的舊電腦就像新買的一樣。
很多PC用戶不知道自己的電腦是否被病毒感染或安全的。為了確保您的電腦免受攻擊的安全,Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 具有增加其同時檢測和刪除最新的病毒敏感性一個全新的反病毒引擎,勒索軟件,間諜軟件,廣告軟件,撥號器和隱藏應用,保證你有一個安全和健康的PC。
隨著新的DNS防護,贏取10加強,Advanced SystemCare Ultimate確保您完全從最新的病毒,惡意軟件和勒索軟件的實時保護他們傷害你的電腦前。衝浪保護,瀏覽器反跟蹤和主頁保護 Advanced SystemCare Ultimate將讓您的隱私保密通過清洗您的上網痕跡,恢復您的瀏覽器劫持。
完美的兼容Windows 10
對於那些你們誰都是Windows 10用戶,Advanced SystemCare Ultimate自動停止所有的隱私蒐集行為,包括您的位置,聲音郵件,聯繫人等而當你使用Microsoft的邊緣,Advanced SystemCare Ultimate將保證您的網上活動不會受到惡意的應用程序和瀏覽器插件的攻擊。
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 增強了註冊表修復,隱私掃瞄和垃圾文件的數據庫。這可以節省你在一鍵優化和清理了大量的時間,使你的電腦運行如新,通過提高啟動速度,優化註冊表,以及消除不必要的應用程序和其他無用的文件,使您的電腦變慢。
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 10.x Multilingual | 93 MB
IObit Advanced SystemCare Ultimate incorporates top anti-virus capabilities, as well as the already proven comprehensive PC tune-up ability. It has a one-click approach to help protect, repair, clean, and optimize your PC. Based on #1 ranked BitDefender antivirus technology and IObit anti-malware engine, it is a part of IObit antivirus project dedicating to provide more and better value-added services with our users.
With its real-time protection against viruses, spyware and phishing attacks, powerful tuning-up and cleaning functionality, Advanced SystemCare Ultimate provides always-on, automated, and all-in-one protection against all kinds of security threats, system slow down, freeze and crash. It ensures PC security, and maintains maximum computer performance automatically without slowing down your system. Advanced SystemCare Ultimate is compatible with other security softwares like anti-virus, anti-malware, firewall, etc.
• Based on Dual engine: the award-winning BitDefender anti-virus engine and IObit anti-malware engine
• Defends against possible virus infection, while speeds up PC rapidly in the meantime
• Scans and detects more threats, proven by generally recognized testing organization
• Fast scanning ability provides reliable protection against viruses, spyware and other threats
• Real-time and proactive protection detects and stops all kinds of malicious behavior
• Rapid virus database updates provides high-level of detection and keep your protection current
• Scans and removes spyware and adware with the latest definition
• Prevents spyware, hijackers and malicious websites with Surfing Protection Technology
• Monitors PC performance in Real-time with Performance Monitor
• Erases the history of all activities in your computer
• Scans and fixes invalid and improper registry entries
• Detects and removes invalid startup items
• Searches and Cleans up unused Windows garbage
• Repairs system configurations, Eliminates System Bottlenecks and Prevents Crashes
• Tunes up Windows to improve both system and Internet performance, unleashes the power of your Windows
• Analyzes and Shows detailed information of hardware and Windows
• Two Modes to meet all user's needs, finishes all work with one click, Super Easy to Use
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