在本教學中我們將讓大家對MAYA有個深入的了解,並理解它的工作方式, 通過本教學,你將有機會與Digital Tutors的多位MAYA專家共同工作, 他們將在教學中展示給你MAYA各個部分的使用方法.
本教學超過11小時,包含86章,將從介紹MAYA的一些基本技巧與基本術語開始, 接著就會直接進入建模階段, 在完成了建模階段以後, 你還會學習到貼圖,動畫制作, 動力學,燈光渲染等方面的知識. 我們的目標不是只讓你去接觸一些枯燥的技術信息, 而是幫助你養成良好的制作習慣,這樣你就能在將來使用MAYA創造美好的未來.
In this series of lessons, we will help you get a strong understanding of Maya and how it works. You'll get the chance to work with many of the other Maya instructors here at Digital-Tutors who will show you how to use some of the major components of Maya.
In this course, we'll start by giving you the foundational skills and vocabulary you'll need in order to move around within Maya, and then we'll jump right into the Modeling section of the course. After completing the Modeling section, you'll get the chance try your hand at Texturing, Rigging, Animation, Dynamics, and finally, Lighting and Rendering your own animation. Our goal is not to weigh you down with technical information, but rather to help you form really good habits so you can have a successful future using Maya.