語言:英語 網址:http://www.luxology.com/store/hdre02_landscape/ 類別:素材 HDRE包為你收集了一些為模型提供細微真實照明的照片環境。通過結合高品質HDRI與全 景匹配的背景,這些高動態範圍環境為modo用戶提供了一個非常簡單的圖像照明工作流 程。 HDRE Landscape包括了5個不同的風景地點。每個地點都包括Geo-Based HDRI、6-12個 預設好的自定義攝像機背景板、高解析度圖片(4kX8k圖元)、HDRI 圖片。
HDRE Kits are a collection of photo-based environments that provide subtle and realistic lighting to your models. By combining high-quality HDRI panoramas with matching background plates, these High Dynamic Range Environments provide modo users with the power of image-based lighting with an incredibly simple workflow. Simply choose your location from the Assembly preset browser, select a background plate from the visual HDRE Card View, and then fine tune the shot with the HDRE heads up display (HUD). Photorealism was never so simple.
HDRE Landscape Kit R2 for modo
Five supplied locations: Landscape 01, Landscape 02, Landscape 03, Landscape 04, Landscape 05
Experience Level: All Levels
Software Required: modo 401 sp4