出品的由Ryan Kittleson 主講長達3小時的視頻教程。本教程講解了使用Maya 2011 構建逼真的3D人物角色造型的過程,包括軀幹、四肢、手、臉和頭髮,已及服裝和鞋子的造型.
在這個教程中,作者介紹瞭如何在Maya 2011中創建專業的,逼真的3D角色。本課程介紹了關鍵概念,如軟選擇和多邊形擠壓工具適用於人物造型,並提供了一個簡單的一步一步的方法來構建人物解剖,包括軀幹,四肢,手,臉和頭髮。還包括服裝和鞋子的造型,性格特徵和完善的教程,達到最終產品。教程附帶練習文件。 - Maya 2011: Modeling a Character
Course name: Maya 2011: Modeling a Character Author: Ryan Kittleson Duration (hr:min): 3:03 Released on: 10/12/2010 Exercise files: Yes Software works on: Mac and Windows
Description: In Maya 2011: Modeling a Character, join author Ryan Kittleson for a thorough demonstration on how to create a professional, realistic 3D character from scratch in Maya 2011. The course illustrates how key concepts and tools such as Soft Select and polygon extrusions apply to character modeling, and provides a simple step-by-step approach to building character anatomy, including the torso, limbs, hands, face, and hair. Also included are tutorials on modeling clothing and shoes, and refining character features to reach the final product. Exercise files accompany the course.
Recommended prerequisites: Maya 2011 Essential Training
Topics include: * Smoothing out rough, polygonal surfaces with Smooth Preview * Fashioning limbs and features from an existing model * Manipulating polygons to create detail * Using the Sculpt Geometry tool to make organic changes * Modeling facial structure and the body * Creating hair with NURBS curves * Modeling pants, shoes, and shirts * Forming creases and hard edges * Fixing problem areas * Applying the finishing touches
Ryan Kittleson Ryan Kittleson has loved combining art with technology since he was a young child with a VIC-20. He grew up with a passion for the visually rich images by artists like Dali and Escher. He taught himself Photoshop as a teen and then 3ds Max in his early 20s. He worked as a game artist in Raleigh, North Carolina for a while before returning to school and completing a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in Illustration from East Carolina University; all the while practicing the art of digital graphics with personal and freelance projects. He currently lives and works in Orlando, Florida where he teaches digital character modeling at Full Sail University.