商品编号: |
xdvd1428d-4 |
商品名稱: |
Morgan Weistling 油畫大師技法 Morgan Weistling 繁體中文版 DVD |
碟片數量: |
4片 |
銷售價格: |
800 |
瀏覽次數: |
23209 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
Morgan Weistling 油畫大師技法 Morgan Weistling 繁體中文版 DVD |
師Morgan Weistling的油畫技法DVD4(共4DVD,此為最後一張DVD),屬名流世界油畫技法,在近10個小時的教程中完整的呈現給你一張由大師Morgan Weistling設計出的高水平油畫的全過程,從選木,選紙,調色,繪畫理論,素描,提高繪畫技法的方案,顏色明度的,調製亮麗的灰色,構圖佈置,油畫創作,高油畫藝術修養的表現方法,作品與眾不同的表現技術與應用...直到最終的成圖。本系列DVD教程通過視頻教程一一為你呈現尖頂大師怎麼創作一副藝術油畫作品完整的過程,即體現傳統技法外,還大量吸收了當今前沿油畫技法。以提高我們的藝術創作技術,創作靈感,給自己創作上更多商業價值的啟迪!此類教程極少,極難得,E維首發。 Morgan Weistling用筆豪放.形、色結合得很好,色彩濃郁有透明感,富有表現力與感染力,在細節表現上還很具有穿透性。他這教程中的作品不僅僅只用於教程例子使用,而且這油畫作品還用於市場銷售的,而這張教程就是將這市場銷售的商業油畫作品創作過程展示給你
We recently spent a full week in Morgan Weistling's studio filming the entire painting process of this beautiful work, which was created for a gallery sale. This is not the typical demonstration painting seen in workshops. It was painted over a period of six days with Morgan providing a continuous commentary about his drawing and painting process. Morgan receives countless invitations to teach workshops around the country, but due to his gallery and show obligations, his opportunity to teach is rare. So to be able to reach the painters who want to study with him, but can't, he filmed this video to fill that need.