Strong economic package management software for small and medium-sized firms. Premier System consists of modules covering all corporate matters of the day (economic, business, personnel, technical products). Sharing modules allows you to choose the optimal solution for practically every sphere deyateyatelnosti and type of company.Modularity of the system gives customers the ability to choose the option that is best suited to the demands of the information system. Thus Premier System, can be particularly useful for small companies and entrepreneurs to find the best category and packages that can easily be expanded in the future. High flexibility and versatility (use in any business) program allows you to choose modules as needed, with the possibility of subsequent changes in the Company's growth.
Key Features Premier System:
- Perfect consistency of all the modules that are integrated into one compact unit, mutual monitoring of individual programs, a special system of linkage between the relevant documents. - Current concepts in the field of ergonomics and user interface - Compatible with Microsoft Oficce (Word, Excel) - Export to other formats *. DOC, *. PDF, *. HTML, *. Jpg, *. JPG, *. Xml, XML - Own database, there is no need to acquire the Database Engine - Robust support network for communication with remote units.
Modules and additional features Premier System:
Accounting - Agreements with banks, payment through ATMs, the periodic payments to the accounts, general ledger, balance sheet and other operations ....
Customers, suppliers - The requirements, obligations, reminders, templates, invoices .....
Routine tasks, the daily work - Relationships with customers, e-mail marketing, dealers and so on ....
Wages - Working staff, training, payroll, reports on all units .....
Warehouse - Availability of resources in the warehouse, offers, price lists for customers .....
Assets leased - Financial assets, reports and statistics ...