商品编号: |
xdvd1822c |
商品名稱: |
3D渲染工具 Vray v1.2.5.5 For Cinema4D Win x86 x64 英文版 CD |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
200 |
瀏覽次數: |
23254 |
【轉載TXT文檔】 |
3D渲染工具 Vray v1.2.5.5 For Cinema4D Win x86 x64 英文版 CD |
Vray for Cinema4D LaubLab正式發布基於Chaosgroup公司的3dsMax渲染插件Vray 1.5引擎的3D渲染工具VRAYforC4D,它可以使用所有可利用的CPU資源,也可以利用一個序列號就能使用無限個Cinema4d 網絡客戶端節點一起渲染。此工具的特點是完全支持動畫渲染和靜幀渲染、支持抗鋸齒、物理天光、物理相機、多通道支持、彩色貼圖、低內存消耗細部渲染。 VRAYforC4D的開發機構聲明:本工具基於Chaosgroup公司高端渲染系統——Vray 1.5 而開發。 Stefan Laub與著名的cinema4d插件程序員Renato Tarabella合作,建立了C4D和Vray之間的關聯,同時也有益於Maxon和Chaosgroup的進一步合作。 更新: 增加了Vray 的多通道渲染 增加了Vray的相機標籤 增加全局選項中的材質配置 增加相機剪輯面板 增加相機幾何剪輯 在彩色貼圖中增加分級參數配置 增加光源旋轉功能 增加環境UV偏移 增加鏡面異向紋理 在貼印渲染信息中增加了一些選項 解決發光貼圖中的一些距離BUG 修正過濾器打開/關閉bug 修正光源光子放射問題 修正Cinema 4D R10.5的VrayBridg面板縮放BUG 改變彩色貼圖命名 改變一些默認值
V-Ray for C4D by LAUBlab brings the power of V-Ray to Cinema 4D. V-Ray offers the fastest rendering technology in the world and has single handedly transformed the architectural and advertising industry. Take your renderings to the next level with V- Ray for Cinema 4D.
VRay for C4D Features: Full VRay 1.6 core standalone integration into Cinema 4D. Windows and OSX versions. 32bit and 64bit versions. Unlimited Cinema4D NET Render support per one license. Efficient shading system specifically optimized for ray-tracing. Fully multithreaded, even in material preview. Supports unlimited cpu`s and cores per workstation, scales extreme on multi core machines Efficient geometry handling True instance rendering On-demand dynamic geometry creation On-demand geometry loading from disk files Displacement mapping Three different image sampling methods Full-scene antialiasing Progressive path tracing Support for additional render elements (diffuse, reflection, GI etc) Advanced color (tone) mapping controls Physically accurate full global illumination solutions Different GI algorithms: path tracing, irradiance cache, photon maps, light cache Reusable GI solutions for accelerated rendering of walk-through animations and animations with dynamic objects Physically accurate area lights Compatible with IES lights Efficient illumination from HDR environments Physical sun & sky Complete support of Cinema4D shaders Physically plausible materials Blurry reflections/refractions Accurate highlights Sub-surface scattering Support for efficient material layering Real Microdisplacement Depth-of-field with bokeh effects Accurate motion blur Physical camera Multipass render Compositing tag support Camera Clipper Vray Proxy support Volume Lights support HAIR module of Cinema4D supported Xref support in 10.5