商品编号: |
xdvd2145c |
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PHP 開發智能IDE JetBrains PhpStorm v2.0.1 英文版 CD |
碟片數量: |
1片 |
銷售價格: |
200 |
瀏覽次數: |
23251 |
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PHP 開發智能IDE JetBrains PhpStorm v2.0.1 英文版 CD |
為軟件開發人員創建增效型智能工具的公司JetBrains? 已宣布其智能代碼中心PHP IDE -- PhpStorm 2.0 全面上市。
PhpStorm 的首次出現填補了PHP 開發智能IDE 的長期空白,它提供了必不可少的工具,如自動化重構、深層代碼分析、聯機錯誤檢查和快速修復。基於眾多嘗試這款突破性IDE 的開發者的反饋,PhpStorm 2.0 關注於更多的智能性、更好的代碼質量保證,並支持最新的PHP 趨勢。
JetBrains 團隊負責人Alexey Gopachenko 表示:“我們增加了對今天PHP 開發中經常使用的PHP 命名空間和封包的支持,大大提高了代碼分析能力。此外,此次重要版??本發布使得PHP 調試成為'輕而易舉的工作',無需任何配置。”
PhpStorm 2.0 的重要變化包括: 對PHP 5.3,包括命名空間和封包的完整支持 所有瀏覽器上的Zend 調試器支持和零配置調試 命令行工具的支持,包括完成Zend_Tool 和Symfony 提供SQL 查詢的完全編輯器和可編輯的查詢結果 增加了對 Mercurial 的支持 增加對 HTML5 和 ECMAScript 的支持
JetBrains 簡介
JetBrains 是一家技術領先的軟件開發公司,專門從事增效型智能軟件的開發。該公司憑藉其屢獲殊榮的創新型Java? 集成開發環境IntelliJ? IDEA(詳情請見http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/)、Ruby 和Rails 集成開發環境RubyMine (http://www. jetbrains.com/ruby)、PyCharm Python IDE (http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/?PS2PR) 及其他生產力工具(http://www.jetbrains.com/products.html?PS2PR) 而享譽全球。 JetBrains 總部位於捷克布拉格,在俄羅斯聖彼得堡、德國慕尼黑和馬薩諸塞州波士頓設有研發實驗室。 垂詢詳情,請訪問http://www.jetbrains.com/?PS20PR。
Lightweight and Smart PHP IDE
PhpStorm is a lightweight and smart PHP IDE focused on developer productivity that deeply understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation and on-the-fly error checking. It is always ready to help you shape your code, run unit-tests or provide visual debugging.
Complete PHP 5.3 Support Full namespaces and closure support is added in 2.0.
Automatic Code Completion This long-requested feature is now available: code completion dropdown is invoked automatically on typing (enabled by default). Code completion has also been improved to support array indexes in PHP code: Zend Debugger and Xdebug
PhpStorm 2.0 brings Zend Debugger, Xdebug and Browser Toolbar support to a new level. The IDE will automatically listen for debugger connection, requesting missing file mappings as needed, so with a single button-click in the browser the debugger will pop up with your page source. It also works on all AJAX requests while a debugger cookie is set.
Browser-initiated Debugging Support You can use the Zend Toolbar, XDebug toolbar or our browser bookmarklets to initiate debugging directly from any page in a modern browser such as Firefox, IE, Google Chrome or Safari.
Command Line Tool Support You can quickly run shell commands with dedicated support for framework tools, including completion and parameter info for Zend_Tool and Symfony tool and adding these features for custom tools via an XML descriptor.
Advanced Code Inspection The new PhpStorm introduces several new code inspections: Control flow / Unreachable statement Control flow / Wrong catch clauses order Probably bug / Wrong string concatenation operator Type compatibility / Invalid foreach() argument type
New Git Log UI As much as our users were excited about our GIT support, we are making it even better. Now you will be able to filter changes by branch, tag or developer, highlight changes made in a specific folder, or show differences right in the IDE. Look at the screenshot: GitHub Integration Many of you have heard about Github and some are probably using it for your projects.
Now you'll be able to check out your existing GitHub repository right from the IDE and auto-open it as a project.
Mercurial Support Pulling and pushing changes from IDE, visual merging.
Streamlined and Improved UI Better blending into OS native LAF Streamlined scrollbar, inspection markers, tooltips and notifications rendering WordWrap in editors and log windows Spellchecking in all editors including commit window Detachable & draggable editor tabs.
Better SQL Console Full-fledged editors for SQL queries Easier, yet more flexible connection configuration with automatic driver downloads Editable query results table
PHP IDE with Intelligent Editor for Productive Coding Intelligent PHP Editor Visual PHP Debugging Smart Environment PHPUnit — testing without interruptions Advanced JavaScript Editor Advanced HTML/XHTML/CSS Editor Lightweight IDE