GraphPad Prism 集生物統計、曲線擬合和科技繪圖於一體,其所具有的功能均非常實用和精煉,包括了一些特色的功能,如ROC曲線分析、Bland-Altman分析等;曲線擬合功能是GraphPad Prism超越其他統計軟體的制勝法寶,GraphPad Prism的線性/非線性擬合功能使用操作極其方便,不僅內置了常見的回歸模型,還專門內置了Aadvanced Rradioligand Bbinding, Bacterial Growth, 劑量反映曲線,峰擬合等數十個生物統計模組,GraphPad Prism的繪圖功能也很具特色,無需專門繪製統計圖形,只要輸入資料,圖表自動生成且隨資料改變及時更新,非常方便實用。
能進行自定義方程曲線擬合的軟體中,GraphPad Prism的操作最為簡便快捷,擬合前參數設置方便,擬合速度快,並支援批量擬合,這在同類軟體中非常少見,可以說GraphPad Prism當之無愧為非線性擬合的高手。
Prism 在科學圖表的繪製方面可以視為Sigmaplot的替代軟體,但是卻又包含了簡單的試算表,可以直接輸入原始數據,軟體自動計算標準差和p value,此外,也包含了其他幾項數值分析的能力。
GraphPad Prism combines scientific graphing, comprehensive curve fitting (nonlinear regression), understandable statistics, and data organization. GraphPad Prism was originally designed for experimental biologists in medical schools and drug companies, especially those in pharmacology and physiology. Prism is now used much more broadly by all kinds of biologists, as well as social and physical scientists. More than 200,000 scientists in over 110 countries rely on Prism to analyze, graph and present their scientific data. It is also widely used by undergraduate and graduate students.
Organize Your Data Effectively
Unlike spreadsheets or other scientific graphing programs, Prism has eight different types of data tables specifically formatted for the analyses you want to run. This makes it easier to enter data correctly, choose suitable analyses, and create stunning graphs.
Perform The Right Analysis
Avoid statistical jargon. In clear language, Prism presents an extensive library of analyses from common to highly specific—nonlinear regression, t tests, nonparametric comparisons, one-, two- and three-way ANOVA, analysis of contingency tables, survival analysis, and much more. Each analysis has a checklist to help you understand the required statistical assumptions and confirm you have selected an appropriate test.
Get Actionable Help As You Go
Reduce the complexity of statistics. Prism’s online help goes beyond your expectations. At almost every step, access thousands of pages from the online Prism Guides. Browse the Graph Portfolio and learn how to make a wide range of graph types. Tutorial data sets also help you understand why you should perform certain analyses and how to interpret your results.
One-Click Regression Analysis
No other program simplifies curve fitting like Prism. Select an equation and Prism does the rest—fits the curve, displays a table of results and function parameters, draws the curve on the graph, and interpolates unknown values.
Focus on Your Research, Not Your Software
No coding required. Graphs and results are automatically updated in real time. Any changes to the data and analyses—adding missed data, omitting erroneous data, correcting typos, or changing analysis choices—are reflected in results, graphs, and layouts instantaneously.
Automate Your Work Without Programming
Reduce tedious steps to analyze and graph a set of experiments. It is easy to replicate your work by creating a template, duplicating a family, or cloning a graph—saving you hours of set up time. Apply a consistent look to a set of graphs with one click using Prism Magic.
Countless Ways to Customize Your Graphs
Focus on the story in your data, not manipulating your software. Prism makes it easy to create the graphs you want. Choose the type of graph, and customize any part—how the data is arranged, the style of your data points, labels, fonts, colors, and much more. The customization options are endless.