Folder Lock 是一個對所有數據的安全性需求的全套解決方案。它可以讓你保持多種方式保護您的個人檔案,在PC和便攜式硬盤,並提供可選的備份在線存儲受保護的文件 。Folder Lock 7安全工具的完美結合,讓您加密備份您的重要文件上使用即時加密的256位;實時在線存儲,並將其儲存到任何便攜式設備 。該方案還可以讓您鎖定文件,文件夾和驅動器;保存您的個人信息;清潔您的Windows的 歷史。
Folder Lock 配備了額外的安全設置,包括應用程序級別的密碼安全,隱身模式,破解安全和自動保護文件夾鎖。Folder Lock 運行在32位和64位版本的Windows 7/Vista/XP和更高版本。
Folder Lock 7.x|
Folder Lock is fast file-security software that can password-protect, lock, hide, and encrypt any number of files, folders, drives, pictures, and documents in seconds. Locked files are undeletable, unrenamable, unmovable, hidden, and inaccessible. You can lock, scramble, or encrypt depending on speed and security. Folder Lock is fully portable, so you can protect your files on USB flash drives, disks, CD-RWs, notebooks, and hard disks, and it doesn't require installation on another PC. Folder Lock protects files in Windows, DOS, and Safe modes, even when you change your OS or boot from a disk. Folder Lock doesn't let you delete its own program folder, and it can't be uninstalled without the correct password. Additional options include Stealth Mode, Hacker Attempt Monitoring, Shred files, AutoLock, Auto Shutdown PC, Lock your PC, Erase PC tracks, 256-bit Blowfish Encryption and Context Menu in Explorer.