什麼是思維導圖? 思維導圖,又叫心智圖,是表達放射性思維的有效的圖形思維工具。是一種革命性的思維工具。簡單卻又極其有效!
Mindjet 幫助你採集和管理大量的信息,通過可視化的程序界面,讓你能直觀的方便的處理你的頭腦風暴,創意,計劃,日程,提醒,筆記等等事項,當然你更可以通過其強大的共享功能,無縫的與微軟Office 辦公套件整合,導出各種格式的文檔類型,甚至是.swf和.pdf文檔.你更可以通過Mindjet 的 Catalyst 賬戶進行多用戶的協同工作,舉辦在線會議,在線共同處理文檔...
這個軟件的介紹可以寫一本書,功能繁多,你可以把它作為多種用途的工具使用.如果你第一次認識MM.最好到官方網站或搜索相關的中文資訊.這裡就不做深入的介紹了.但是Mindjet Manager 很容易上手.Office 的用戶對此應該感到親切.
MindManager's visual information maps (mind maps) start with a central theme, and then add branches with ideas, notes, images, tasks, hyperlinks and attachments. Easily import from or export to Microsoft Office. Use MindManager maps to capture and organize information, and you'll quickly transform your thoughts and ideas into fine-tuned documents, compelling presentations and winning strategies. MindManager gives you with a better way to brainstorm, organize facts, plan projects, and communicate results.
* Accomplish More Faster Clearly align and organize information, ideas, and strategies to be more productive. * Ensure Project Success Achieve active participation in project planning and goals setting to fully engage the project team. * Communicate More Effectively Organize and present in a visual context to ensure understanding and improve retention.